What you have to say to yourself matters

Journaling | Intuition Development | Emotional Healing

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What Does A Water Dream Mean?

What Does A Water Dream Mean?

What does your dream about water mean?

Your dream symbols are unique to you, but sometimes it helps to have a little guidance about what a particular symbol in a dream might mean to get you on the right path for interpreting your dream. Use the information here about water dreams as a guide, but don’t let it override your intuitive sense of the water dream’s meaning for you.

Before you read about what your water dream might mean, try answering these questions to tap into your intuitive sense of the meaning of your water dream before you’re too influenced by the information in the rest of this article. It can help to write out the answers to these questions in a dream journal.

What did the dream water look like? Was it a river, pond, lake, ocean, sea, puddle, pool, drinking water, etc.? What color was the dream water? Was there a current? Was the dream water calm? Was the dream water frozen?

Where was the dream water located? Was the dream water in a natural location for water?

Does the dream water remind you of any particular water you’ve seen before (perhaps in a movie, television show, art, real life, or a previous dream)?

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Journal Prompts For February
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For February

Journal through the month of February with me with these daily writing prompts for February! These February journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In February we’ll journal about relationships, joy, happiness, grief, and our relationship with money among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and a personality test.

Journal Prompts for February 1st

Choose a symbol to represent your January. Describe the symbol in detail. Why did you choose this symbol? What other associations do you have with this symbol? What works of art does it remind you of (this can include books, movies, tv shows, etc.)? Did reflecting on these associations add to your understanding of why you chose this symbol? How?

Journal Prompts for February 2nd

When do you feel most respected? What does it feel like? What physical sensations are associated with the feeling? What thoughts are associated with the feeling? What makes you feel respected?

Journal Prompts for February 3rd

When do you feel the most in the present moment? What activities make you lose track of time? What does it feel like when you’re in the present moment? Why do you think these activities help you connect to the present moment?

Journal Prompts for February 4th

What conversation do you most need to have with yourself that you’ve been avoiding? What emotions do you associate with this topic? Why is this conversation difficult to have with yourself? What would happen if you had this conversation with yourself?

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Journal Prompts For The New Year
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For The New Year

Whether you already journal regularly or your New Year’s resolution this year is to start journaling, New Year’s is a natural time for reflecting on the prior year and considering what we want the year ahead to bring. These journal prompts for the New Year are designed to help you do just that! I like to use New Year’s Eve to reflect on the prior year and New Year’s Day to look ahead, but feel free to use these New Year’s Journal Prompts however you would like. Happy New Year!

Looking Back: New Year’s Eve Journal Prompts

What was the most important thing you learned this year?

What memory from this year do you cherish the most? Write about everything you remember (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, how it felt, etc.).

What was the most difficult thing about this year?

What was the best thing about this year?

How have you changed this year?

What was the most unexpected thing about this year?

If you had to choose one song to represent your year, what song would you choose? Why? Listen to the song now and write about what memories, emotions, etc. it brings up for you.

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Journal Prompts For January
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For January

Journal through the month of January with me with these January journaling ideas! These January journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In January we’ll journal about change, memories, relationships, and relaxation among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and a personality test.

Journal Prompts for January 1st

What are you hopeful about regarding the coming year? What do you want to accomplish this year?

Journal Prompts for January 2nd

What activities that are part of your daily routine bring you the most joy? What does joy feel like in your body? How can you incorporate more joy in your life?

Journal Prompts for January 3rd

What’s something about you that most people in your life don’t know about you? Why is this something that you don’t share with most people in your life?

Journal Prompts for January 4th

How do the relationships in your life help you learn about yourself? How do the relationships in your life help you be more true to yourself? How do the relationships in your life pull you away from being true to yourself?

Journal Prompts for January 5th

What travel experience (near or far from home) most influenced your sense of the world or your sense of identity? Write about everything you remember from that experience and how it influenced you.

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Couple Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Couple Journal Prompts

Sharing a journal with your significant other is a nice way to connect and communicate whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or living with your partner. Check out these writing prompts to share your memories, learn about each other, emotionally connect, and work through hard topics.

Couple memory journal prompts

Connect with your partner by sharing your memories together with these memory journal prompts for couples.

This is what I remember about the first time we met…

When we first met, I felt…

This is what I remember about our first date…

After our first date I felt…

One of my favorite memories with you is…

I remember I was really proud of you when…

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Christmas Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Christmas Journal Prompts

Merry Christmas! Christmas journaling is a meaningful way to spend your holiday whether you’re journaling on your own or with loved ones. Below you’ll find Christmas journal prompts for your individual journaling practice or Christmas memory journal, family Christmas journal prompts for kids and adults, and Christmas journal prompts for couples.

If you want to do a little Christmas themed journaling this year, here are a few Christmas journal prompts to get you started!

What were your Christmas traditions when you were growing up? How did your Christmas traditions change over time as you grew older or as changes happened in your life? How did you feel about those changes then? How do you feel about those changes now? Are there any Christmas traditions you had as a child that you still participate in now? Are there any Christmas traditions that you had as a child that you’d like to bring back?

What are your Christmas traditions now? Do you remember when these traditions started? Are there any new Christmas traditions you’d like to start?

What’s the best Christmas gift you ever received? Who was this gift from? Why was this gift so meaningful to you? How did you feel when you received this gift?

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Winter Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Winter Journal Prompts

Winter is a wonderful time to turn inwards and self-reflect. As you cozy up at home with your journal, check out these winter journaling ideas to make the most of your time inside.

What is your favorite indoor winter memory? Describe the memory in detail (visual, emotional, scent, sound, etc.).

What is your favorite outdoor winter memory? Describe the memory in detail (visual, emotional, scent, sound, etc.).

What sound do you most associate with winter? Why? When do you first remember making this association? What feelings and memories do you associate with this sound?

What movie do you most associate with winter? Why? What feeling does the movie give you?

What positive impacts does the winter season tend to have on your mental health? What negative impacts does the winter season tend to have on your mental health? Are there ways that you can accentuate the positive impacts and mitigate the negative impacts?

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Journal Prompts For December
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For December

Journal through the month of December with me with these December writing prompts! These December journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In December, we’ll journal about rest, obligations, the feeling of home, and pivotal life moments, among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and personality tests.

Journal Prompts for December 1st

Write a list of the 5 people you feel closest to right now. For each person, write down a few reasons why you’re grateful to have them in your life.

Journal Prompts for December 2nd

What activities help you feel rested. Why do you think these activities help you to feel rested. Are you happy with how often you incorporate these activities into you life. If not, how can you incorporate restful activities into your life more often?

Journal Prompts for December 3rd

Take the MOTIVES personality test. Do you think the personality test that you took accurately reflects something about your personality? What about the results of the personality test didn’t surprise you? What surprised you? If the personality test resulted in any new insights for you about who you are, what can you do with this information in your daily life?

Journal Prompts for December 4th

How have you changed in the last year? How do you feel about these changes? What led to these changes in your life?

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Thanksgiving Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Thanksgiving Journal Prompts

Happy Thanksgiving! Journal through the holiday with me with these Thanksgiving journal prompts. These journal prompts are designed to help you reflect on Thanksgiving memories and traditions and what you’re thankful for, and to help you have a little Thanksgiving fun. Check out the Thanksgiving gratitude prompts for a fun way to practice giving thanks in your journal or around the Thanksgiving table with others.

Thanksgiving journal prompts

What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory from childhood? Write about this memory.

What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory from adulthood? Write about this memory.

What’s your favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Why is this a favorite? What emotions does this favorite thing evoke? What was your favorite thing about Thanksgiving as a child? Why was this a favorite as a child? What emotions did this favorite thing evoke as a child? Are there any similarities between your adult and childhood Thanksgiving favorites?

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? How have your traditions changed over time? Are there any Thanksgiving traditions from the past you’d like to bring back? Are there any new Thanksgiving traditions you’d like to try?

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Morning Journal Prompts For Emotional Wellness
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Morning Journal Prompts For Emotional Wellness

Starting your morning with journaling can be a nice way to ease into your day. Journaling in the morning can also help you begin your day with intention and self-connection. In this post you’ll find a few daily morning journal prompts to choose from along with four fun morning journaling exercises that incorporate poetry, music, meditation, and free association into your journaling practice.

Daily morning journal prompts

Here are a few morning journal prompts to start your day with! Choose a few morning journal prompts from the list below and use them every day, or mix up your morning journaling and choose different prompts every day.

How am I feeling emotionally this morning? What do I need emotionally this morning?

How am I feeling physically this morning? What do I need physically this morning?

How are my energy levels this morning? How can I honor where my energy levels are at today?

How grounded am I feeling this morning? (i.e., how in the present moment and connected to my body am I feeling?)

What do I want to accomplish today?

How am I planning to build self care into my day today? In other words, how am I planning to take care of myself today? How am I planning to take care of myself emotionally today? How am I planning to take care of myself physically today?

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Journal Prompts For Positive Self Talk

Journal Prompts For Positive Self Talk

We can be so used to the way that we talk to ourselves that we don’t notice when our self talk is impacting us negatively. When I really started paying attention to the way I talked to myself and questioning my self talk, I was surprised to see how unkind I was being towards myself. Working on changing my self talk was one of the first steps in my healing journey (read a little more about that here, if you’d like). Working on my self talk was part of how I learned to create safety for myself, and this felt sense of safety unlocked the door to a bigger emotional healing journey.

Paying attention to the way I talked to myself and journaling and reflecting on my self talk was very helpful to me, and I hope it will be helpful to you as well. To that end, these journal prompts for positive self talk are designed to help you take an inventory of your self talk, evaluate your self talk and explore the roots of your self talk, and make a plan for creating positive self talk.

Journal prompts for positive self talk

As you work through these journal prompts, keep in mind that some of your self talk may be full phrases or sentences that you consciously say to yourself in your mind. However, some of your self talk might be fleeting thoughts that cross your mind without being fully put into words, and your self talk may even be a pattern of behavior or pattern of emotional response without accompanying words (I like to think of this as the internal equivalent of all the non-verbal cues that get exchanged when you’re communicating with someone else).

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Journal Prompts For November
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For November

Journal through the month of November with me with these November writing prompts! These November journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In November, we’ll journal about things we’re grateful for, how our concepts of femininity and masculinity impact our lives, the experience of being awed, loving memories, and childhood fears, among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and personality tests.

Journal Prompts for November 1st

What are you most looking forward to this month? What one thing do you most hope to accomplish this month?

Journal Prompts for November 2nd

Write about at time that you had a strong gut feeling. What do you remember about how this experience felt? Why do you think you had such a strong gut feeling? How did you respond to this strong gut feeling?

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Halloween Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Halloween Journal Prompts

Celebrate Halloween while you journal with these fun Halloween themed journal prompts for adults. These Halloween journal prompts will help you explore Halloween memories and Halloween favorites. We’ll also do a few fun Halloween journaling exercises that involve reading Halloween poetry, a Halloween themed free association exercise, and a spooky creative writing exercise designed to help you learn more about you.

Journal prompts for Halloween

What’s your favorite thing about Halloween? Why is this a favorite? What emotions does this favorite thing evoke? What was your favorite thing about Halloween as a child? Why was this a favorite as a child? What emotions did this favorite thing evoke as a child? Are there any similarities between your adult and childhood Halloween favorites?

What’s your favorite movie to watch to celebrate Halloween? Why is this a favorite? Write about what you remember from the first time you watched this movie.

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Journal Prompts For Perfectionism
Journal Prompts, Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts, Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For Perfectionism

I saw a Gloria Steinem quote that said, “Perfectionism is internalized oppression,” and I thought, “Ugh, that is, unfortunately, very true for me.” It took me many years to realize that my perfectionism stemmed from a traumatic childhood. In fact, it took me many years to even realize that my childhood was traumatic. (You can read a little more about that in my post on What I Wish I Knew Earlier about Healing Psychological Trauma if you’d like.) When I accepted and began to process the ways in which my childhood traumatized me, it was easier to see the ways that I continued to function by the rules of my childhood. In childhood “perfect” behavior was required from me in order to “earn” love and the right to have emotions, set boundaries, and be my own person. The rules were always unclear and ever-changing, and even if they had been clear, I would never have been able to live up to them. The end result was that I continued to endlessly strive to be more and more perfect in every facet of life to earn love and the right to simply be a human with my own emotions, body, and opinions. I’m very much still a recovering perfectionist, but I know that I have the tools now to continue to step away from perfectionistic tendencies and it’s something I’m actively working on.

These journal prompts are designed to help you explore what your perfectionism looks like and the “whys” behind your perfectionism. I hope they’re helpful to you on your journey to overcome perfectionism!

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Journal Prompts For October
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For October

Journal through the month of October with me with these October writing prompts! These October journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In October, we’ll journal about how emotions feel in our bodies, self-care, self-talk, happiness, fear, and our relationship with time, among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and personality tests.

Journal Prompts for October 1st

Write out something positive you commonly say to yourself. Write out something negative you commonly say to yourself. How does hearing the positive phrase impact you? How does hearing the negative phrase impact you? Were there other people in your life who first said these things to you?

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Intuition Meaning
Intuition Development So.Lightly Living Intuition Development So.Lightly Living

Intuition Meaning

Fittingly, intuition is one of those things that’s easier to sense than it is to define, but reflecting on what intuition means can be helpful to developing intuition and learning how to effectively use intuition in your daily life. To me, intuition means using the full knowledge of my body, not just what is consciously in my mind right now, or what I can consciously recall at this moment. Intuition is a “just knowing” feeling, but it also more than that. Intuition has its own language of sorts.

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Journal Prompts For Anxiety
Journal Prompts, Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts, Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For Anxiety

When I’m feeling anxious, I’m usually tempted to “run away” from the anxiety by ignoring that it’s there. Unfortunately, this doesn’t usually help to resolve my anxiety or the underlying reasons I’m anxious, and even worse it tends to cause my anxiety to build up until it feels large and unmanageable. I have found that taking deep breathes, running cold water over my wrists and/or face, and leaning into the anxiety and expressly acknowledging to myself that I’m anxious helps. Making these coping mechanisms a habit has helped my anxiety, and learning to acknowledge and lovingly accept my emotions as they arise has helped reduce my overall instances of anxiety.

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Quiz: What Type of Journal Should You Keep?
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Quiz: What Type of Journal Should You Keep?

There are so many different types of journals out there, and there really is no wrong way to journal! The type of journal you should keep depends on why you want to journal, what your goals for journaling are, and how much time and energy you have for journaling. Take this quiz to find out what type of journal you should keep and then check out the information below for journaling ideas based on your quiz results.

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Memory Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Memory Journal Prompts

Keeping a memory journal is a fun way to reflect on your life and to safekeep memories so that you can revisit them and reminisce later. Keeping a memory journal can also help you see patterns in your life. When you keep a memory journal you will begin to see what moments in your life feel the most important to you, what you value in life, and how your daily experiences impact you and string together to create the story of your life. If you’ve ever considered writing a memoir, keeping a memory journal is also a great way to get started. With a memory journal, you’ll have plenty of inspiration to pull from for a memoir in the future.

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A Dream Journal Example Entry

A Dream Journal Example Entry

How to start a dream journal

Starting a dream journal might seem a little daunting, but once you get into the hang of it, dream journaling can be a really interesting and rewarding journaling practice. When you’re starting a dream journal it can help to see a dream journal example to get some ideas. I enjoy dream journaling because I like working with symbolism and it’s a great way to learn new things about myself. Dream journaling is also a wonderful way to get insight into the emotions and experiences that your mind, body, and soul are focused on working through. When you’ve been dream journaling for a while, you might be surprised to find out what’s going on with you at the deepest levels! Dream journaling also helps you tap into your intuition and learn the language of your subconscious mind which yields great benefits in waking life, too.

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