Journaling | Intuition Development | Emotional Wellness
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Learn How To Interpret Dreams
I’ve been interested in what my dreams mean for as long as I can remember, but learning to interpret my dreams seemed out of reach for the longest time. I didn’t know that there was a modern branch of psychology that takes dreams and the interpretation of dreams seriously, and everything I encountered about dreams and learning how to interpret dreams seemed kind of hokey and spiritually “woo woo” in a way I couldn’t connect with. Plus, taking dreams seriously is very decidedly not part of the culture I live in. The overarching cultural messages I get about dreams are statements like: “Science can’t explain dreams,” “Dreams don’t mean anything,” and, “No one knows why we dream.” These cultural messages all come with the unstated implication that dreams simply don’t matter because we don’t know why we dream. But, when we begin to learn how to interpret our dreams, it becomes clear that we can know why we dream. Dreaming is a form of internal communication that helps us stay “on track” with our deepest internal sense of who we are.

Quotes About Dreaming: Exploring The Meaning of Dreams
Almost everyone dreams, but dreaming is still a bit of a mystery to all of us. Let’s explore the meaning of dreams with these quotes about dreaming from psychologists, a neuroscientist, mythologist, and classic literature. We’ll even explore quotes about dreaming from a TV series and a philosophical aeronautics engineer from the 1920s.
#1 Quote about dreaming
“Heaven and hell are within us and all the gods are within us…They are magnified dreams, and dreams are manifestations in image form of the energies of the body in conflict with each other. That is what myth is. Myth is a manifestation in symbolic images, in metaphorical images, of the organs of the body in conflict with each other.” Joseph Campbell in Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers

What Does A Snake Dream Mean?
Your dream symbols are unique to you, but sometimes it helps to have guidance about what a particular symbol in a dream might mean to get started interpreting your dream. Use the information here about snake dreams as a guide, but don’t let it override your intuitive sense of your snake dream’s meaning for you.
Before you read about what your snake dream might mean, try answering these questions to tap into your intuitive sense of the meaning of your snake dream before you’re too influenced by the information in the rest of this article. It can also help to write out the answers to these questions in a dream journal.
What did the dream snake look like? What color or colors was the snake? What size was the snake?
How was the dream snake behaving? Was the snake sitting still? Was the snake moving? If so, how was the snake moving? What was the dream snake doing? Was the snake aggressive? Was the dream snake interacting with you or anyone or anything else in the dream? If so, how was the dream snake interacting with people and things in the dream?
Where was the dream snake located? What were the surroundings like? What was the dream snake near?
When was the last time you saw a snake?
Does the dream snake remind you of any particular snake you’ve seen before (in real life, a movie, television show, art, another dream, etc.)?
What was your emotional reaction to the dream snake? If there were other people in the dream, how did they respond to the snake?

How To Use The 5 Dream Types To Understand Your Dreams
Even when you don’t understand the symbols in your dream, you can still learn something by analyzing your dream patterns. I recently read a very interesting dream study that analyzed more than 200 dreams and identified 5 dream types that almost all dreams fall into. Even more interesting, the study explained how as dreamers make psychological progress, their dreams move through these 5 dream types.
I’m excited to tell you what I learned from this very interesting piece of research (“Dream Content Corresponds With Dreamer’s Psychological Problems and Personality Structure and With Improvement in Psychotherapy: A Typology of Dream Patterns in Dream Series of Patients in Analytical Psychotherapy” by Christian Roesler), because to me it really drove home the importance of dream journaling to help track dreams over time. Full disclosure, I’m not a psychologist or therapist, but I do love dream journaling and reading about what psychologists have to say about dreams! What I read in this dream study absolutely rang true for what I’ve noticed in my own dreams, and I think it can help all of us better understand our dreams.

What Does A Water Dream Mean?
Your dream symbols are unique to you, but sometimes it helps to have a little guidance about what a particular symbol in a dream might mean to get you on the right path for interpreting your dream. Use the information here about water dreams as a guide, but don’t let it override your intuitive sense of the water dream’s meaning for you.
Before you read about what your water dream might mean, try answering these questions to tap into your intuitive sense of the meaning of your water dream before you’re too influenced by the information in the rest of this article. It can help to write out the answers to these questions in a dream journal.
What did the dream water look like? Was it a river, pond, lake, ocean, sea, puddle, pool, drinking water, etc.? What color was the dream water? Was there a current? Was the dream water calm? Was the dream water frozen?
Where was the dream water located? Was the dream water in a natural location for water?
Does the dream water remind you of any particular water you’ve seen before (perhaps in a movie, television show, art, real life, or a previous dream)?

A Real Life Dream Journal Example Entry Illustrating The 7 Key Elements Of A Dream Journal Entry
How to start a dream journal
Starting a dream journal might seem a little daunting, but once you get into the hang of it, dream journaling can be a really interesting and rewarding journaling practice. When you’re starting a dream journal it can help to see a dream journal example to get some ideas. I enjoy dream journaling because I like working with symbolism and it’s a great way to learn new things about myself. Dream journaling is also a wonderful way to get insight into the emotions and experiences that your mind, body, and soul are focused on working through. When you’ve been dream journaling for a while, you might be surprised to find out what’s going on with you at the deepest levels! Dream journaling also helps you tap into your intuition and learn the language of your subconscious mind which yields great benefits in waking life, too.

Tips For Describing Dreams In Your Dream Journal To Enhance Your Dream Interpretations
Dreams don’t always follow the logic of everyday life.
When describing a dream in your dream journal it’s a natural impulse to write about the dream the way you would tell a story to a friend, following a linear narrative and logical conventions. For some dreams, this “logical” style of writing can cause you to inadvertently leave out important information in your dream diary. Here are a few tips for describing dreams in your dream journal to maximize the information that you have available for dreamwork, dream interpretation, and dream analysis.

How To Keep A Dream Journal
Life can be difficult. Life can be busy. Feeling disconnected from yourself – from your intuition, your voice, your desires – is a common result. Dream journaling is probably not the first antidote that comes to mind. But, dream journaling has incredible power to help you reconnect with yourself.
Encoded in dream symbolism, our dreams have messages for us, from us.