Journal Prompts For November
November writing prompts
Photo Mariia Korneeva/
Journal through the month of November with me with these November writing prompts! These November journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In November, we’ll journal about things we’re grateful for, how our concepts of femininity and masculinity impact our lives, the experience of being awed, loving memories, and childhood fears, among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and personality tests.
P.S. If you’re looking for journal prompts for a different month, find your monthly journal prompts here!
November daily prompts
Journal Prompts for November 1st
What are you most looking forward to this month? What one thing do you most hope to accomplish this month?
Journal Prompts for November 2nd
Photo Елена Григорова/
Write about at time that you had a strong gut feeling. What do you remember about how this experience felt? Why do you think you had such a strong gut feeling? How did you respond to this strong gut feeling?
Journal Prompts for November 3rd
Choose one person or symbol that most represents the concept of femininity to you. Describe this person or symbol in detail. Why does this person or symbol represent femininity for you? How does your concept of what it means to feminine influence how you interact with yourself and the world around you?
Journal Prompts for November 4th
Choose one person or symbol that most represents the concept of masculinity to you. Describe this person or symbol in detail. Why does this person or symbol represent masculinity for you? How does your concept of what it means to masculine influence how you interact with yourself and the world around you?
Journal Prompts for November 5th
What was your favorite television show growing up? What did you like about the show? Why do you think you connected with this show so strongly as a child?
Journal Prompts for November 6th
Write about the self-care habit that you have that most positively impacts your life. What is the self-care habit? How often do you engage in this self-care habit? How does it make you feel? How does it positively impact your life?
Journal Prompts for November 7th
Did you have any recurring dreams as a child? If so, write down everything you remember about those dreams. If not, write about any recurring dreams or dream themes you remember from any point in your life. What do you think these recurring childhood dreams or recurring dreams/dream themes mean?
Journal Prompts for November 8th
What was the best thing about today? Write about it in detail. How did you feel? What thoughts were in your mind?
Journal Prompts for November 9th
What’s your relationship like with anger? How do you know when you’re starting to feel angry? What physical sensations do you feel in your body? How do you respond to yourself when you’re feeling angry? What thoughts do you have? What do you tell yourself? How was anger approached in your household growing up? How did you see the adults in your life relate to, and display, anger? How did the adults in your life relate to your anger? What purpose do you think anger serves? Are you happy with how you respond to yourself when you’re feeling anger?
Journal Prompts for November 10th
If you had to choose something to be “your symbol”, what symbol would you choose? Why would you choose this symbol? What does this symbol mean to you?
Journal Prompts for November 11th
Take the Big 5 personality test. Do you think the personality test that you took accurately reflects something about your personality? What about the results of the personality test didn’t surprise you? What surprised you? If the personality test resulted in any new insights for you about who you are, what can you do with this information in your daily life?
Journal Prompts for November 12th
What does your evening routine look like? What aspects of your evening routine help you rest and prepare for a good night of sleep? What aspects of your evening routine are difficult or have a tendency to make it difficult to rest or sleep well? Are there aspects of your evening routine that you would like to change?
Journal Prompts for November 13th
Write about a memory where you felt loved. Describe as many details of the memory as you can, including how your body physically felt. P.S. If you normally journal at night, make sure you read ahead to see tomorrow’s daily journal prompt.
Journal Prompts for November 14th
At 5 different times today, ask yourself “How are you? What do you need right now?” and write out your answer in your journal.
Journal Prompts for November 15th
How did checking in with yourself 5 times yesterday impact your day? How did this practice impact how connected you felt to yourself throughout the day? What can you learn from what you wrote about yesterday? What did you learn from this practice?
Journal Prompts for November 16th
When was the last time you felt awed by something? Write about the experience in detail. What does your body physically feel like when you feel awe?
Photo estradaanton/
Journal Prompts for November 17th
Think about someone from earlier in your life who positively impacted you who you haven’t had contact with for some time. Write this person a letter in your journal about how they impacted your life.
Journal Prompts for November 18th
Write about a time when someone hurt your feelings. What happened? Why were your feelings hurt? How did this physically feel in your body? How did you respond to this person? How did you respond to yourself?
Journal Prompts for November 19th
What were you afraid of as a child? What is your first memory of having this fear? Write about the memory in detail. How did this fear impact you as a child? Are you afraid of the same, or similar, things now?
Journal Prompts for November 20th
Read November for Beginners by Rita Dove (or choose another poem if you’d like). What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?
Journal Prompts for November 21st
If you could say one thing to anyone in your life without consequences, what would you say and to who? Write a letter to this person in your journal.
Journal Prompts for November 22nd
Write about a time you tried something new that was a little bit scary. What was the new thing that you tried? How did you feel beforehand? How did you feel afterward? How do you feel generally about trying new things? Is there anything new you’d like to try?
Journal Prompts for November 23rd
Write a list of 10 things you’re grateful for. For each item on your list, write a couple of sentences with as much detail as possible describing what you’re grateful for and why.
Journal Prompts for November 24th
Start with the word “turkey” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?
Journal Prompts for November 25th
Try out a short mediation practice. Here’s a mediation exercise that I like from the First This Podcast, The Lights In Your House. How did this mediation practice impact you physically? How did it impact you emotionally? How did it impact your thoughts?
Journal Prompts for November 26th
Imagine you could choose one “dream outfit” that would be designed and created for you for free based on your description. Describe your dream outfit. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Where would you wear this outfit? What does the outfit you chose tell you about you?
Journal Prompts for November 27th
What scent makes you the happiest? What experiences do you associate with this scent? What thoughts do you associate with this scent? What time periods in your life do you most associate with this scent?
Photo NooPaew/
Journal Prompts for November 28th
What historical figure most interests you? Write down a few things you know about this person. Why is this person particularly interesting to you? What can this tell you about you?
Journal Prompts for November 29th
Write out a description of the last dream you remember having. Why do you think you dreamt this? If you want more tips on how to write about your dream to help you understand it, check out the posts on How to Keep a Dream Journal and A Dream Journal Example Entry.
Journal Prompts for November 30th
What’s the most important thing you learned this month? Write about what you learned, how you learned it, and how what you learned might impact you in the months ahead.