Cherish Your Memories With These Memory Journal Prompts
Check out these writing prompts for your memory journal
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Memory journal ideas
Keeping a memory journal is a fun way to reflect on your life and to safekeep memories so that you can revisit them and reminisce later. Keeping a memory journal can also help you see patterns in your life. When you keep a memory journal you will begin to see what moments in your life feel the most important to you, what you value in life, and how your daily experiences impact you and string together to create the story of your life. If you’ve ever considered writing a memoir, keeping a memory journal is also a great way to get started. With a memory journal, you’ll have plenty of inspiration to pull from for a memoir in the future.
You can choose to write in a memory journal daily, weekly, or at some other regular interval, or you can write in your memory journal only at particularly significant life moments. You can even use the “one line a day” format for a memory journal and write a line a day about a memory you want to save for later.
Memory journal prompts
Memory journal prompts are a fun way to expand your memory journaling practice. Here are a few memory journal prompts to get you started:
Write about your earliest memory in detail. How old were you? What do you remember about what you saw, heard, and felt? What kind of emotions does recalling this memory evoke now? How does this memory fit into your overall life story?
Who were the most meaningful adults in your life growing up? What are your earliest memories of these adults? What are your favorite memories of these adults? What are your least favorite memories of these adults?
What year was the best year of your life so far? Write about why this year was so great and any memories you have associated with this particular year that made it a great year.
What year was the hardest year of your life? Write about your memories of what happened, how it felt, and how you got through it.
Who was your first friend? Do you remember meeting this friend? (If so, write about it.) What are your earliest memories with this friend? What are your favorite memories with this friend? What are your least favorite memories with this friend?
What is your first memory of a holiday? Write about this memory in detail using all 5 senses to describe the memory (what you saw, heard, felt, smelled & tasted).
Write about a time that you made a major life decision. What do you remember about this time in your life? How did you make the decision and how do you feel about the decision now.
Write about some of your favorite memories with pets or animals.
What is your favorite memory from before the age of 8? What is your least favorite memory from before the age of 8?
If you have a significant other or partner, write about when you met this person and the earliest memories you have of this relationship.
Do you remember your first day of school? If so, write about it. If not, write about your earliest memory of school?
Write about a time you learned how to do something new and what that experience was like.
If you moved growing up, write about your memories of that experience.
What was your first job? Write about what you remember from this job and what it was like starting a job for the first time.
What are your 5 favorite all time memories? Write about these experiences in detail reflecting on all 5 senses (what you saw, heard, felt, smelled & tasted).
Write about a memory where your behavior surprised you, or you felt like you acted out of character.
Write about what you remember about your childhood bedroom.
Write about your favorite memory associated with food.
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What is your favorite memory from ages 9-12? What is your least favorite memory from ages 9-12?
Who is your closest friend? Write about how you met this person and some of your favorite memories with this person.
What vacation or trip was your favorite? Write about any memories you have from this vacation or trip.
What were your favorite books and movies growing up? Why were these favorites? If you remember the first time you read a favorite book or watched a favorite movie, write about that experience. Are there any similarities between these books and movies and books and movies you enjoy today?
What year of your life so far has impacted your life today the most? Write about what you remember from that year and how it impacts you today.
What was the first movie you saw in a movie theatre? How old were you? Who were you with? What was it like?
Write about your first crush or your first love and any memories you have associated with this person and this time period.
Write about your favorite memories of being outside in nature.
What is the most vivid memory you have of your childhood? Write about this memory in detail.
If you could only keep 5 memories, which memories would you keep?
Who was your favorite teacher growing up? Why? Who was your least favorite teacher growing up? Why?
Write about a time when you changed your mind about something big and important.
When you were a child, what kind of stories and games did you invent or imagine? Write about some of these stories or games.
Write about the biggest risk you’ve ever taken and your memories associated with the experience.
Do you remember the first article of clothing you picked out for yourself? What did it look like? Why did you choose this particular article of clothing?
Write about your favorite memories associated with friendship.
What is your favorite memory from ages 13-15? What is your least favorite memory from ages 13-15?
Write about a time you achieved something that you worked towards for a long time.
Write about your first experience with death.
Write about your favorite memories that involve music.
Write about a time in your life when you experienced a major change and the memories you have associated with that time period.
What is your favorite memory from ages 16-18? What is your least favorite memory from ages 16-18?
Write about a time you had a meaningful or touching experience with a work of art (painting, book, movie, television show, sculpture, etc.).
Memory journal prompts for a one line a day memory journal
If you want to use the one line a day format, here are a few memory journal prompts for a one line a day memory journal:
What I want to remember about today…
The best part of today was…
The hardest part about today was…
I felt happy today when…
I felt grateful today when…
This is what I did today…
The most meaningful moment today was when…
The most intense emotion I felt today was _____, when…
What I’ll never forget about today is…
The most significant thing that happened today was…
Today, I remembered when _______. This memory surfaced when…
Whether you choose a one line a day format for your memory journal, or a more traditional memory journaling format, memory journaling can be a rewarding journaling practice. Not sure whether the one line a day memory journal or a more traditional memory journal is right for you? Why not give both types of memory journaling a try and see what you think!
Check out this free memory journal prompt printable or wander over to the shop to find a memory journal.