Morning Journal Prompts For Emotional Wellness
Take care of your heart with these morning journal prompts.
Photo Vastram/
Morning journaling
Starting your morning with journaling can be a nice way to ease into your day. Morning journaling can also help you begin your day with intention and self-connection. In this post you’ll find daily morning journal prompts along with four fun morning journaling exercises that incorporate poetry, music, meditation, and free association into your journaling practice.
Daily morning journal prompts
Photo Jacob Lund/
Here are a few morning journal prompts to start your day with! Choose a few morning journal prompts from the list below and use them every day, or mix up your morning journaling and choose different prompts every day.
How am I feeling emotionally this morning? What do I need emotionally this morning?
How am I feeling physically this morning? What do I need physically this morning?
How are my energy levels this morning? How can I honor where my energy levels are at today?
How grounded am I feeling this morning? (i.e., how in the present moment and connected to my body am I feeling?)
What do I want to accomplish today?
How am I planning to build self care into my day today? In other words, how am I planning to take care of myself today? How am I planning to take care of myself emotionally today? How am I planning to take care of myself physically today?
What am I looking forward to today?
Is there anything about today I’m not looking forward to? If so, is there anything I can do to emotionally and mentally prepare for this experience?
What did I dream last night? What message does this dream have for me? (If you want to learn more about dream interpretation and dream journaling, check out the posts on How to Keep a Dream Journal and A Dream Journal Example Entry.)
What thoughts are on my mind this morning?
What will I remember most about yesterday?
Is there anything I’m carrying from my experiences yesterday that I need to process?
What words of encouragement do I have for myself today?
How am I going to incorporate fun into my day today?
How am I going to incorporate rest into my day today?
What do I need to do today to set myself up for a good day tomorrow?
What did I do yesterday that I’m proud of?
What experience yesterday did I have the most intense emotional response to? What emotions did the experience bring up? What did the emotions feel like in my body physically? What thoughts were associated with the experience? Why did this experience bring up intense emotions?
What was the best moment from yesterday?
What did I learn yesterday? How will what I learned yesterday continue to help me in the future?
Was I kind to myself yesterday?
What music lyrics were on my mind yesterday (or this morning)? Is there a reason my subconscious mind is bringing these lyrics to my attention?
Daily morning journal exercises
Journaling exercises that incorporate other activities can be a fun, relaxing, and grounding way to connect with yourself in the morning. Here are four of my favorite journaling exercises to start the morning!
Poetry morning journaling exercise
Read or listen to a poem, and write about the poem’s meaning to you and what emotions, thoughts, and memories the poem brings up. Check out the Poetry Foundation Poem of the Day or Audio Poem of the Day.
Music morning journaling exercise
Listen to a piece of music and write about the music’s meaning to you and what emotions, thoughts and memories the music brings up for you. Check out the Song of The Day from The Current, or choose a song that has been on your mind lately.
Mediation morning journaling exercise
Meditate and afterwards journal about your mediation experience. How did the mediation make you feel? Were there thoughts, emotions, or images coming into your mind during the mediation? If so, what can these thoughts, emotions, or images tell you? If you’re looking for a free meditation podcast, check out First This.
Free association morning journaling exercise
Start with any word, and then write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection? Check out this free printable if you want to give this exercise a try with the word “Butterfly.”