Get Into The Spirit With These Happy Halloween Journal Prompts
Fun Halloween themed journal prompts to celebrate the spookiest evening of the year
Halloween journal topics
Celebrate Halloween while you journal with these fun Halloween themed journal prompts for adults. These Halloween journal prompts will help you explore Halloween memories and Halloween favorites. We’ll also do a few fun Halloween journaling exercises that involve reading Halloween poetry, a Halloween themed free association exercise, and a spooky creative writing exercise designed to help you learn more about you.
Journal prompts for Halloween
What’s your favorite thing about Halloween? Why is this a favorite? What emotions does this favorite thing evoke? What was your favorite thing about Halloween as a child? Why was this a favorite as a child? What emotions did this favorite thing evoke as a child? Are there any similarities between your adult and childhood Halloween favorites?
What’s your favorite movie to watch to celebrate Halloween? Why is this a favorite? Write about what you remember from the first time you watched this movie.
What food do you most associate with Halloween? When was the first time you started associating this food with Halloween? Write about that memory and other memories of eating this food in association with Halloween?
What scent do you most associate with Halloween? What emotions do you associate with this scent?
Start with the word “ghost” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?
What is your favorite Halloween memory from childhood? Write about this memory.
What is your favorite Halloween memory from adulthood? Write about this memory.
What song do you most associate with Halloween? When was the first time you started associating this song with Halloween? Write about that memory and other memories of listening to this song in association with Halloween.
What was your favorite all-time Halloween costume? Why was this Halloween costume a favorite? Write about the memory of wearing this Halloween costume.
Read a poem about Halloween. What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?
What Halloween traditions did you have as a child? What Halloween traditions do you have now? What Halloween traditions would you like to try out this Halloween?
Write about your ideal Halloween. What would you do? What would you eat? Who would you be with? How would it feel?
What sound do you most associate with Halloween? What emotions do you associate with this sound?
If you had to choose a Halloween costume to dress up in that most represents who you are as a person, what costume would you choose? Describe the costume in detail. How does this costume represent who you are?
Write out your ideal Halloween food menu. Why are these foods perfect for Halloween?
Write a spooky short story in your journal. Why do you think this is the story that came into your mind? Try interpreting the story like you would interpret a dream. What can the story you wrote tell you about yourself? Need some dream interpretation tips to help? Check out this dream journal example.
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