Journal Prompts For December
December daily prompts
Photo Svetlana Lukienko/
Daily Journaling
Journal through the month of December with me with these December writing prompts! These December journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In December, we’ll journal about rest, obligations, the feeling of home, and pivotal life moments, among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and personality tests.
P.S. If you’re looking for journal prompts for a different month, find your monthly journal prompts here!
Daily journal prompts for December
Journal Prompts for December 1st
Write a list of the 5 people you feel closest to right now. For each person, write down a few reasons why you’re grateful to have them in your life.
Journal Prompts for December 2nd
What activities help you feel rested? Why do you think these activities help you to feel rested? Are you happy with how often you incorporate these activities into you life? If not, how can you incorporate restful activities into your life more often?
Journal Prompts for December 3rd
Photo Irina/
Take the MOTIVES personality test. Do you think the personality test that you took accurately reflects something about your personality? What about the results of the personality test didn’t surprise you? What surprised you? If the personality test resulted in any new insights for you about who you are, what can you do with this information in your daily life?
Journal Prompts for December 4th
How have you changed in the last year? How do you feel about these changes? What led to these changes in your life?
Journal Prompts for December 5th
What’s one thing you purchased recently that you are happy that you purchased? Why are you happy with this purchase? What’s one thing you purchased recently that you regret purchasing? Why are you unhappy with this purchase? What led you to purchase each of these things? How do you generally approach making a purchase? Are there things you want to change about how you approach purchasing decisions?
Journal Prompts for December 6th
Read Snow Day by Billy Collins (or choose another poem to read). What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?
Journal Prompts for December 7th
Write about a time you felt resentful. What does resentment physically feel like in your body? What emotions and experiences led up to the feeling of resentment?
Journal Prompts for December 8th
What’s your favorite color? What emotions do you associate with this color? When did this color become a favorite. Why do you think this color is a favorite? Does this color match your personality in any way?
Journal Prompts for December 9th
Write about a pivotal moment in your life that you didn’t realize what a pivotal moment at the time. What happened? How did you feel at the time? How do you feel about this moment now? Why was this moment so pivotal? When did you realize this was a pivotal moment in your life?
Journal Prompts for December 10th
Besides your actual home, what location in the world feels the most like “home” to you? What does it mean to feel “at home”? What does it physically feel like in your body to feel “at home”? Why does this location feel like home to you?
Journal Prompts for December 11th
Write out a description of any dream you remember having. Why do you think you dreamt this? If you want more tips on how to write about your dream to help you understand it, check out the posts on How to Keep a Dream Journal and A Dream Journal Example Entry.
Journal Prompts for December 12th
As a child, what were you passionate about? When you were a child, how did you feel when you were participating in this passion in some way? What do you feel passionate about now? How does it feel when you are participating in this passion in some way? Are there similiarities in your passions as a child and your passions now?
Journal Prompts for December 13th
When do you feel most connected to the truest sense of who you are? What are doing? If you’re with others, who are you with? What does it feel like to be connected to the truest sense of who you are?
Journal Prompts for December 14th
When do you feel most disconnected from the truest sense of who you are? What are you doing? If you’re with others, who are you with? What does it feel like to be disconnected from the truest sense of who you are?
Journal Prompts for December 15th
What’s your favorite way to spend your time when you’re alone? Why is this a favorite? How do you feel when you’re spending your time this way? How do you feel about the balance between time alone and time with others in your life?
Journal Prompts for December 16th
Describe your dream house in detail. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Imagine yourself in your dream house and write about it. Is there anyone else in your dream house with you? If so, write about it. Pretend the scene you imagined was a dream you had and analyze it like you would a dream. Here are some tips:
Underline anything that seems like it might be a symbol (trust your gut, if it might be a symbol, underline it).
For each word you underlined, ask yourself, “What does ____ mean to me?” For example, if your imaginary scene included jazz music, ask yourself, “What does jazz music mean to me? You could also ask yourself questions like: “What do I associate jazz music with? Where did I develop that association? How does jazz music make me feel? What memories do I have about jazz music?” Try to think rather than feel the answers and write down the first thing that comes to mind even if you think it doesn’t make any sense.
Think about the overarching feeling or vibe of the scene you imagined and write about it in your journal.
Re-read the imaginary scene you wrote about. As you read, when you come to an underlined word, read about what you wrote down for the symbolic meaning of that underlined word.
Ask yourself, why did I imagine my dream house this way?
Photo Meow Creations/
Journal Prompts for December 17th
When was the last time something felt bittersweet to you? What does it physically feel like in your body when you have a bittersweet experience? What does it mean for something to be bittersweet? Why was this memory or experience bittersweet for you?
Journal Prompts for December 18th
What do you like most about yourself? Why is this something you like about yourself? Have others in your life responded positively to this aspect of you as well? If so, who has responded positively to this aspect of you? When is the first time you remember someone responding positively to this aspect of you? Write about this memory.
Journal Prompts for December 19th
Write about something about yourself that you don’t like. Why is this something you don’t like about yourself? Have others in your life responded negatively to this aspect of you as well? If so, who has responded negatively to this aspect of you? When is the first time you remember someone responding negatively to this aspect of you? Write about this memory.
Journal Prompts for December 20th
Write about the memory of a time you visited someplace new for the first time and had a pleasant experience. Why was this a pleasant experience? What physical sensations did you experience in your body at the time? How does recalling this memory now make you feel?
Journal Prompts for December 21st
Start with the word “snow” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?
Journal Prompts for December 22nd
What makes you excited about life? How does feeling excited feel to you? Do you welcome the feeling of excitement? Do you feel any hesitation about experiencing excitement or showing excitement to others?
Journal Prompts for December 23rd
What in your life do you do only out of a sense of obligation? How does it feel to do something out of a sense of obligation only? Why do feel like this obligation needs to be met? What do you tell yourself about this obligation? What messages have you received from others about this obligation?
Journal Prompts for December 24th
Write about a happy memory that comes to mind. Include as many details about the experience as you can recall. Why do you think this memory came to mind? How does it feel to recall this memory now? (Looking for Christmas themed journal prompts? Check them out here.)
Journal Prompts for December 25th
Choose a song or piece of music to listen to, close your eyes and listen to the music. What emotions did this music evoke for you? What memories did this music evoke for you? What thoughts were going through your mind as you listened to this music? (Looking for Christmas themed journal prompts? Check them out here.)
Journal Prompts for December 26th
Write about a time you felt connected to nature or some aspect of nature. What did it feel like? What physical sensations did you experience in your body? Why do you think you felt particularly connected to nature in this moment?
Journal Prompts for December 27th
Think of a question you wish someone in your life would ask you? How would you respond to this question if they asked you? Why do you think this person and this question came to mind?
Journal Prompts for December 28th
Think of a question you would like to ask someone in your life. Why do you think this question came to mind? If you feel unable to ask this question, why do you think that is?
Photo Ivan Kruk/
Journal Prompts for December 29th
If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go? What would you do? Who would you take with you?
Journal Prompts for December 30th
What was the most important experience you had this year. Write about it in detail. Why was this experience so important?
Journal Prompts for December 31st
What are you most looking forward to in the coming year? Why are you looking forward to this the most? Looking for New Year’s Eve journal prompts? Check out Journal Prompts for the New Year here.