Journal Prompts For February

Photo of journal sitting on bed next to vase of pink flowers.

Daily writing prompts for February

Daily Journaling

Journal through the month of February with me with these daily writing prompts for February! These February journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In February we’ll journal about relationships, joy, happiness, grief, and our relationship with money among other topics. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and a personality test.

P.S. If you’re looking for journal prompts for a different month, find your monthly journal prompts here!

Journal prompts for February

Journal Prompts for February 1st

Choose a symbol to represent your January. Describe the symbol in detail. Why did you choose this symbol? What other associations do you have with this symbol? What works of art does it remind you of (this can include books, movies, tv shows, etc.)? Did reflecting on these associations add to your understanding of why you chose this symbol? How?

Journal Prompts for February 2nd

When do you feel most respected? What does it feel like? What physical sensations are associated with the feeling? What thoughts are associated with the feeling? What makes you feel respected?

Journal Prompts for February 3rd

When do you feel the most in the present moment? What activities make you lose track of time? What does it feel like when you’re in the present moment? Why do you think these activities help you connect to the present moment?

Journal Prompts for February 4th

What conversation do you most need to have with yourself that you’ve been avoiding? What emotions do you associate with this topic? Why is this conversation difficult to have with yourself? What would happen if you had this conversation with yourself?

Journal Prompts for February 5th

What’s your favorite food? How did this food become a favorite? What’s your earliest memory of eating this food? What emotions and thoughts do you associate with eating this food?

Journal Prompts for February 6th

Think of a few times you felt joy and write about these memories. What does joy feel like? What brings joy into your life? Do you allow yourself to fully experience joy? If not, how do you “hold back” from experiencing joy? If not, why do you think you “hold back” from experiencing joy?

Journal Prompts for February 7th

What three personality traits do you feel most define who you are? Write about your earliest memories of displaying these personality traits. Write about your earliest memories of others in your life pointing out or commenting on these personality traits. Are these personality traits you’re happy with? Do these personality traits feel genuine to who you are? How do these personality traits impact your life both positively and negatively?

Journal Prompts for February 8th

Start with the word “heart” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?

Journal Prompts for February 9th

When was the last time you had a great conversation with someone? Write about the experience. What makes a conversation great? What does it feel like to have a great conversation?

Journal Prompts for February 10th

Write about a time someone apologized to you for something. What happened? How did you feel? How do you think the person apologizing felt? What impact did this apology have on your relationship? Write about the last time you apologized to someone. What happened? How did you feel? How do you think the person you were apologizing to felt? What impact did this apology have on your relationship?

Journal Prompts for February 11th

What’s one change you’ve tried to make in your life more than one time, but not successfully changed? Write about the times you’ve tried to make this change. What was your motivation to make the change? What happened? How did you respond to yourself when you didn’t make the change? What did you say to yourself? How might not making this change serve a purpose in your life? Why do you feel this change is difficult to make?

Journal Prompts for February 12th

When do you feel most connected to the most important people in your life? What does it feel it? When do you feel least connected to the most important people in your life? What does it feel like?

Journal Prompts for February 13th

Imagine yourself 10 years from now. Write a short story in your journal about a day in the life of you 10 years from now. Re-read your story and reflect on it. What does this story tell you about your life now?

Journal Prompts for February 14th

What activities do you engage in that make you feel the most loved and cared for? How often do you do these activities? What does it feel like to feel loved and cared for? What physical sensations are associated with this feeling? What thoughts are associated with this feeling? Looking for Valentine’s Day Journal Prompts? Check them out here.

Journal Prompts for February 15th

What’s your relationship like with money and finances? What thoughts related to money or finances commonly cross your mind? How do you feel when you have to make a big financial decision? How do you feel when you spend a small amount of money? How do you feel when you spend a lot of money? How did your parents or caregivers growing up talk about money and finances? What emotions did you observe your parents or caregivers express regarding money and finances? How do you think this impacts your current day approach to money and finances?

Journal Prompts for February 16th

Close your eyes and take a few deep breathes. Imagine a scene or a story. Write about the scene or story. Why do you think this is the scene or story that came to mind?

Journal Prompts for February 17th

Write about a time you felt ashamed. What happened? What led to you feeling shame? What physical sensations were associated with feeling shame? What did you say to yourself about this experience? Are you happy with how you spoke to yourself? If not, what would have been more helpful for you to say to yourself about this experience? Does this experience remind you of any earlier experiences in your life?

Journal Prompts for February 18th

If happiness was a scent, what scent would it be? Why do you think you made this connection? If sadness was a scent, what scent would it be? Why do you think you made this connection?

Photo of candle, clear mug of tea and pink flowers.

Journal Prompts for February 19th

Write out a description of any dream you remember having. Why do you think you dreamt this? If you want more tips on how to write about your dream to help you understand it, check out the posts on How to Keep a Dream Journal and A Dream Journal Example Entry.

Journal Prompts for February 20th

Write a short fictional description of someone who perfectly plays by all of society’s spoken and unspoken “rules.” Re-read your description. What does this description tell you about how you reject society’s “rules”? What does this description tell you about how you may feel constrained by society’s “rules”? Are there spoken or unspoken rules that you like abiding by in your life? Are there spoken are unspoken rules that you wish you could be free from?

Journal Prompts for February 21st

Do you feel comfortable communicating to the people you’re close to that you’re hurt, angry, or disappointed about something they did?

  • If not, what makes you uncomfortable about communicating this? What do you do instead of communicating this? How does this approach impact you? How does this approach impact your relationships?

  • If you do feel comfortable communicating this, are there some relationships this is more comfortable in than others? Are you happy with the way you communicate that you’re hurt, angry, or disappointed? How do you feel before communicating this? How do you feel afterwards?

Journal Prompts for February 22nd

Read Late February by Ted Kooser (or choose another poem to read). What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?

Journal Prompts for February 23rd

Write about a time you had to grieve something relatively “small” (perhaps a change in your life even if it was positive, a lost special object, etc.). What was this grief experience like? What emotions did you experience? What thoughts did you experience? How did your emotions and thoughts shift over time?

Journal Prompts for February 24th

What does justice mean to you? How do you define justice? What role does justice play in society? What role does justice play in your own life? When you encounter something unjust, how do you feel? How do you respond?

Journal Prompts for February 25th

What’s the tiniest thing that brought a shimmer of happiness to your life in the last few days? Write about the experience in detail. Did you notice the shimmer of happiness at the time? How did you recognize the feeling as happiness (associated thoughts, associated physical sensations, etc.)?

Journal Prompts for February 26th

Take the R-Drive personality test. Do you think the personality test that you took accurately reflects something about your personality? What about the results of the personality test didn’t surprise you? What surprised you? If the personality test resulted in any new insights for you about who you are, what can you do with this information in your daily life?

Journal Prompts for February 27th

When was the last time you felt fulfilled? Write about the experience. Where were you? What were you doing? What did it feel like? What brings the most fulfillment to your life?

Journal Prompts for February 28th

What song most describes your February? Write about why this song describes your month. If you want to do this exercise every month, check out the free printable “Soundtrack of My Year.”

Journal Prompts for February 29th (Journal Prompts for Leap Day!)

Reflect on the last four years of your life. What have been the most meaningful life moments for you in the last four years? What was most unexpected about the last four years? What have you learned in the last four years? How have you changed in the last four years? What’s the biggest difference in your life between now and four years ago?

Go to Journal Prompts for March

Photos for this article were created with Adobe Firefly.

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