Journal Prompts For The New Year & New Beginnings
New Year’s journal prompts for reflecting on your year & starting fresh in the new year
Journal Prompts for the New Year
Whether you already journal regularly or your New Year’s resolution this year is to start journaling, New Year’s is a natural time for reflecting on the prior year and considering what we want the year ahead to bring. These journal prompts for the New Year are designed to help you do just that! I like to use New Year’s Eve to reflect on the prior year and New Year’s Day to look ahead, but feel free to use these New Year’s Journal Prompts however you would like. Happy New Year!
Looking Back: New Year’s Eve Journal Prompts
What was the most important thing you learned this year
What memory from this year do you cherish the most? Write about everything you remember (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, how it felt, etc.).
What was the most difficult thing about this year?
What was the best thing about this year?
How have you changed this year?
What was the most unexpected thing about this year?
If you had to choose one song to represent your year, what song would you choose? Why? Listen to the song now and write about what memories, emotions, etc. it brings up for you.
What have you changed your opinion about this year?
What emotions were most prominent for you this year? Why?
What regrets do you have about this year?
What did you do this year that you’re proud of?
What were the most important relationships in your life this year? How did those relationships influence you and your life this year
What milestones did you cross this year?
What’s the best thing you read this year?
What’s the best movie you discovered this year?
What was the most meaningful moment you had this year?
What successes did you have this year?
What didn’t work out for you this year?
What did you learn about yourself this year?
What did you learn about how the world works this year?
How were your self-care habits this year? What aspects of self-care did you do well? What aspects did you not do well? What self-care habits were new to you this year?
What was the most exciting place you visited this year? How did that experience impact you?
What did you do this year that you never imagined doing?
Did your year contain enough rest and calm?
If you had to give your year a title, what would it be?
P.S. I like to choose a song to represent each month of my year and then listen to my “annual playlist” on New Year’s Eve as a way of reflecting on the year. Check out this free “soundtrack of my year” printable if you want to give this a try!
Looking Ahead: Journal Prompts for the New Year
As we enter the new year, how are you feeling about this transition?
What are your New Year’s resolutions? Why did you choose these resolutions? What’s your plan for sticking to these resolutions? Check out this free New Year’s Resolution Printable to record your resolutions as a reminder.
Imagine it’s one year from now and you’re looking back on your year. What do you most hope to be able to say about your year?
Are there things about the new year that you are concerned or worried about?
What milestones do you anticipate happening in the new year?
What do you want to accomplish in the new year?
What changes do you want to make in the new year?
What things do you want to stay the same in the new year?
What fun things do you want to do in the new year?
What do you want to learn in the new year?
What relationships do you want to prioritize in the new year?
What priorities do you want to change in the new year?
What’s one little thing that you’ve been meaning to do for a while that you want to do in the new year?
How are you planning to take care of yourself in the new year?
What do you want to experience in the new year?
If you had no obligations and as much money as you needed, what would your year look like? How can you incorporate aspects of what you described in your new year?
Write a note to “one year from now” you.
Photos for this article were created with Adobe Firefly.