Festive Christmas Journal Prompts To Kindle Your Holiday Spirit
Christmas themed journal prompts for celebrating the season
Christmas journal prompts
Merry Christmas! Christmas journaling is a meaningful way to spend your holiday whether you’re journaling on your own or with loved ones. Below you’ll find Christmas journal prompts for your individual journaling practice or Christmas memory journal, family Christmas journal prompts for kids and adults, and Christmas journal prompts for couples.
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Christmas themed prompts for your journal
Christmas memory journal prompts
Family Christmas journal prompts
Christmas journal prompts for couples
Christmas journal prompts
If you want to do a little Christmas themed journaling this year, here are a few Christmas journal prompts to get you started!
What were your Christmas traditions when you were growing up? How did your Christmas traditions change over time as you grew older or as changes happened in your life? How did you feel about those changes then? How do you feel about those changes now? Are there any Christmas traditions you had as a child that you still participate in now? Are there any Christmas traditions that you had as a child that you’d like to bring back?
What are your Christmas traditions now? Do you remember when these traditions started? Are there any new Christmas traditions you’d like to start?
What’s the best Christmas gift you ever received? Who was this gift from? Why was this gift so meaningful to you? How did you feel when you received this gift?
What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever given someone? Who did you give the gift to? Why was giving this gift so meaningful to you? How did you feel when you made this gift?
What makes receiving a Christmas gift meaningful to you? What makes giving a Christmas gift meaningful to you?
What’s your all-time favorite Christmas memory. Write about it in detail including everything you remember about using all your senses (sight, sound, touch, scent, taste). What emotions did you have at the time? What emotions does this bring up now?
What’s your favorite movie to watch at Christmas time? Do you remember the first time you watched this movie? Why is this your favorite movie to watch at Christmas? What emotions and memories does watching this movie bring up?
Start with the word “Christmas” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?
What scent do you most associate with Christmas? How does this scent make you feel?
What sound do you most associate with Christmas? How does this sound make you feel?
What do you love about Christmas time? Why? How can you honor and celebrate the things you love about Christmas time?
What’s difficult about Christmas time? Why? How can you honor these feelings and care for yourself during Christmas time?
What’s your earliest memory of Christmas? Write about everything you remember.
What’s your favorite Christmas song? Do you remember when you first heard this song? When did this song become a favorite? Listen to this song now. What emotions and memories does this song bring up when you hear it? Why do you think this is your favorite Christmas song?
What emotions are most prominent for you during the holiday season? How do these emotions physically feel in your body (i.e., what physical sensations accompany these emotions)? How do you respond to these emotions (pleasant or unpleasant) when they arise? Are you happy with how you respond to yourself when you feel these emotions? If not, how would you like to respond to yourself?
What’s your favorite Christmas food? Do you remember the first time you had this food around Christmas? If so, write about the memory in detail. What memories and emotions does this Christmas food bring up for you?
Read a poem about Christmas. What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?
What’s your ideal way to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day? Write about it in detail. Do you do these things? Why or why not? Is there a way you can incorporate more of these things into your Christmas and Christmas Eve?
Christmas memory journal prompts
A Christmas memory journal is a once-a-year journal where you can write about your Christmas memories. If you make Christmas journaling a tradition, soon you’ll be able to look back on your memories and reminiscence about Christmases past. Here are a few Christmas memory journal prompts to use in your Christmas memory journal.
What was the best thing about the Christmas season this year?
What was the hardest thing about the Christmas season this year?
Who did you spend Christmas and Christmas Eve with?
What did you gift loved ones for Christmas? What were you given for Christmas? What gifts were particularly meaningful?
What do you want to remember about this Christmas?
What special foods did you make and/or eat this Christmas?
The most meaningful thing about this Christmas was…
The thing I felt most this Christmas was…
I had a good conversation this Christmas with ____ about ____ .
This Christmas, this is what was on my heart…
An old tradition I participated in this Christmas was…
A new tradition I tried this Christmas was…
Family Christmas journal prompts
A family Christmas journal makes a fun family Christmas tradition. Each family member can write (or draw) a little bit about their Christmas and their Christmas memories. The following years you’ll be able to re-visit your Christmas memories together. A family Christmas journal can also be a fun way to preserve Christmas memories and traditions for future generations and to create a Christmas keepsake for your family. Here are a few journal prompts for a family Christmas journal:
Family Christmas journal prompts for kids
What was the best thing about Christmas this year?
What was the best thing you ate this Christmas?
What did you ask for, for Christmas this year?
What did you get for Christmas this year?
What’s your favorite Christmas song?
What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
What do you want to remember about this Christmas?
What gifts did you give your family for Christmas this year?
If I could give my Mom/Dad/sibling anything for Christmas this year, it would be…
Next Christmas I think we should…
Family Christmas journal prompts for adults & older children
What was the best thing about Christmas this year?
What do you want to remember about this Christmas?
What was meaningful about this Christmas?
Who did the family see at Christmas this year?
What did the family do for Christmas this year?
What’s your favorite family Christmas tradition?
What was memorable about this Christmas?
Family Christmas journal prompts for parents & grandparents
What Christmas traditions did you have as a child?
What did you do for Christmas Eve and Christmas day as a child?
What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child?
What Christmas foods did you like to eat as a child?
Who did you celebrate Christmas with when you were a child?
What was your favorite Christmas song when you were a child?
What was your favorite Christmas movie when you were a child?
What’s your first memory of Christmas?
Couple Christmas journal prompts
Take a quiet moment this Christmas to journal together about your holiday season. You can use the Christmas journal prompts below to learn about each other, connect, and preserve your Christmas memories together for the future. Take turns answering the questions below in your journal, or write out your answers together.
Looking for more journal prompts for couples? Check out these Couple Journal Prompts.
One thing I really love about Christmas is…
One thing that is hard for me about Christmas is…
A Christmas memory I really love is…
A Christmas memory that is difficult for me is…
A Christmas tradition that is important to me is…
A Christmas tradition I’d like to do together is…
At Christmas time I usually feel…
The way I celebrated Christmas as a kid was…
As a kid, I spent Christmas with…
What makes a Christmas gift meaningful to me is…
One thing I want to remember about our Christmas together this year is…
My favorite Christmas song is ____, because…
My favorite Christmas movie is ____, because…
One of my favorite Christmas foods is…
My earliest memory of Christmas is…
One thing that excites me about spending the Christmas season with you is…
One silly thing I like about Christmas/doing around Christmas time is…
This Christmas Eve we spent the day…
This Christmas we spent the day…
The Christmas gifts we exchanged this year were…
The best things about this Christmas was…
A meaningful moment this Christmas was when…
Next Christmas I think we should…
Photos for this article were created with Adobe Firefly.

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