Reflect On Your Relationships With These Journal Prompts for Relationships
A journaling exercise for evaluating relationships
How to use these relationship journal prompts
Our relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and significant others have a profound impact on our lives. Despite the power of relationships in our lives, we may not commonly take the time to reflect on how our friendships, acquaintances, romantic relationships, and other relationships impact us and how we impact those in our lives. You can use the relationships journal prompts below in a couple of different ways. You can use these relationship journal prompts to take a relationship inventory by reflecting on, and journaling about, a few relationships in your life. In the alternative, if there is one relationship in your life that you really want to reflect on right now, you can use the relationship journal prompts below to reflect deeply on that relationship by skipping the first question and using the remainder of the journal prompts to journal about that relationship.
Looking for journal prompts for couples? Check out these Couple Journal Prompts.
Journal prompts for relationships
Write down the names of 3-5 people you are around on a regular basis, or the names of 3-5 people who have the greatest impact on your life right now. For each person, answer the questions below.
What emotions do I most commonly feel around this person?
How does my body feel when I’m around this person?
Does I feel safe most of the time when I’m around this person? Why or why not? Do I feel emotionally safe most of the time when I’m around this person? Why or why not?
Do I share my thoughts, opinions, and emotions with this person? Are there thoughts, opinions, or emotions I am not comfortable sharing with this person? If so, why?
Do I have disagreements or arguments with this person? How often? What are the disagreements or arguments about? How is disagreement handled in this relationship? Am I comfortable with the frequency of disagreement with this person? Am I comfortable with how disagreement is addressed in this relationship? Do I avoid disagreeing with this person? If so, why?
What activities do I normally participate in with this person? What impact do those activities have on my life? Do I enjoy the activities I regularly participate in with this person?
How often do I spend time with this person or communicate with this person? Am I happy with the amount of time I spend with this person and the frequency of communication with this person?
What positive or helpful things does this person add to my life? What positive or helpful things do I add to this person’s life?
What negative or unhelpful things does this person bring to my life? What negative or unhelpful things do I bring to this person’s life?
How has my relationship with this person changed over time? If so, how? Were these changes postive? If not, has the relationships stagnated, or is the relationship still healthy and meaningful?
Do I feel free to grow, explore, learn, and change with this person? Do I give this person the freedom to grow, explore, learn and change?
What can I learn from the way this person interacts with themselves and the world around them?
What do I admire about this person?
What frustrates or upsets me about this person?
What do I cherish about this person?
Do I feel understood by this person? Why or why not?
Do I feel valued by this person? Why or why not?
How does this person show me that they care about me? How do I show this person that I care about them?