Journal Prompts For Finding The Divine Feminine In You
What is feminine energy?
Photo Michael/
Exploring the divine femine
Everyone, regardless of their gender, contains aspects of personality and being that encompass what we traditionally think of as feminine. And, regardless of our gender, these aspects of ourselves can be undervalued due to our life experiences, including living in a society that undervalues activities and ways of being that have been historically and culturally associated with femininity. Yet, none of us can truly feel and be whole without acknowledging and accessing our personality in full, including aspects of our personality that may fall within this traditionally feminine sphere. I invite you to explore your conception of femininity and how you interact with the feminine in the world and within yourself. If it feels helpful, use the journal questions below to start. (P.S. These journal prompts are available as a free journal jar printable!)
Journal prompts for connecting with divine feminine energy
Photo Sophie/
What does it mean to be in touch with your intuition? What does it feel like to be in touch with your intuition? Where in your body do you feel your intuition?
What one image most encompasses your conception of the feminine? Describe it in detail. What symbolic value does this image hold for you?
What are the most important relationships in my life? Do I feel free to grow, explore, learn, and change in these relationships? Why or why not?
When you think about feminine body movements what words, phrases, and images come to mind?
What daily (or regular) habits do you have that help you connect with your intuition?
When you think about feminine energy what comes to mind?
How would you describe the feminine aspects of your personality? How comfortable are you with the feminine aspects of your personality?
What types of situations heighten your intuition? What types of situations lessen your intuition?
Who have been the most important women in your life? How have they influenced your ideas about what it means to be feminine?
Take a few deep breaths, relax your body, and think about feminine energy. What thoughts, phrase, and ideas flow into your mind?
What negative ideas about femininity and connecting with the feminine do you have? How do those ideas influence your daily life and your ability to connect with feminine energy?
What impact does connecting with your intuition have on your life?
In your daily life, what messages do you receive (from friends, family, media, coworkers, etc.) about what it means to be feminine? Do these messages align with your personal conception of the feminine? How do these messages influence you?
What emotion makes you feel the most connected to feminine energy? When was the last time you felt that emotion? Describe the experience in detail.
What types of decisions are you most likely to make based on intuition? What types of decisions are you least likely to make based on intuition? Why do you think that’s the case?
What would it feel like to embody femininity?
Do you trust your intuition? Why or why not?
What tasks do you do every day? Underline tasks that involve caring for your body and circle tasks that involve connecting with, and/or caring for, others. Are you happy with the balance between caring for yourself and others?
What is your most distinct memory of connecting with feminine energy or feeling in touch with your feminine energy? Describe the memory in detail.
How does your process of intuitive knowing interact with your intellectual “left brain” process of knowing? What does it feel like when the two conflict? What does it feel like when the two agree? How do you resolve disagreements between these two types of knowing?
What scent most encompasses your conception of the feminine? What do you associate with this scent? Why do you think this scent came to mind?
What does your body feel like when you are safe? When do you feel the most safe? What are you doing, where are you, and who are you with?
When do you feel most in touch with your intuition? What are you doing? Who are you with?
What aspects of your daily life make it more difficult to connect with your feminine energy?
What are you doing when you feel the most free?
What sound most encompasses your conception of the feminine? Why do you think this sound came to mind? How does this sound make you feel? How does this sound feel in your body?
Imagine spending a whole day connecting with feminine energy and the feminine aspects of your personality. Describe the day in detail.
What misconceptions about the feminine and feminine energy do you encounter in life? Have you internalized any of these misconceptions? How do these ideas influence you?
What five words best describe the feminine. Why did you choose these five words?
Is it difficult for you to balance feminine and masculine aspects of your personality? If it is, what aspects are the most difficult to balance and why do you think those aspects are the most difficult to balance? If it isn’t, why do you think that is? How do you balance these aspects of your personality? Are you happy with the balance between them?
What movies, books, art, music, and experiences most help you connect with the feminine aspects of your personality?