Journaling | Intuition Development | Emotional Wellness
Tune In To Your Inner Voice
Access the healing powers of your inner guidance through journaling exercises, daily journal prompts, tools for building intuition, and resources for emotional wellness & emotional healing.

What is Active Imagination?: What Active Imagination Can Teach You About You
Active imagination is the process of using your imagination to communicate with deep parts of yourself that are not conscious (things you’re not aware of about yourself). Active imagination is a bit like dreaming, but you’re awake for it. Psychologist Carl Jung was the person who came up with the term “active imagination” to describe this way of working with your unconscious. Jung described different active imagination exercises, but I personally don’t think we’re limited to using the exercises Jung described when using active imagination. After all, as a psychologist, when Jung described active imagination, he was describing something natural about the way the human mind works. When I started to meditate, I found myself doing active imagination exercises without being familiar with the term “active imagination” or much of Jungian psychology. When I learned there was a name for what I was doing, I was so excited!
Using active imagination is a great way to get better at connecting with your intuition. You can read more about the benefits of connecting with your intuition here. Active imagination exercises are a good way to help your conscious and unconscious mind learn how to work together. The better these two parts of you can work together, the more complete, whole, healed, and YOU, you will feel. Active imagination can also be helpful with shadow work; we’ll talk more about that in a bit.

How Intuition Benefits Wellbeing
To dig into how intuition benefits wellbeing, we first need to talk about what intuition is. I explored this more deeply in my post on what intuition means, but by way of recap here, intuition is a quick way of knowing that doesn’t come from logical reasoning or the conscious mind. Intuitive knowing comes from an accumulation of all the knowledge that we hold; some of this knowledge comes from our personal experiences and some of it comes from inherited instinctual information. Intuition is an important way that we arrive at conclusions and make decisions. We often think of intuition as being an animal-like instinct coming from our spirit, or a feeling more than an intellectual knowing. Intuition might speak to us through words, phrases, music, images, or symbols that float into our mind. Intuition is one of those things that can be hard to define in words, but easier to feel or explain metaphorically. With that definition of intuition in mind, let’s explore how intuition benefits wellbeing.
We’re already using our intuition, so we are better off when we learn how to use our intuition well.

Grounding Journal Prompts For Embodiment
Explore what it means to be connected and attuned to your body and your five senses with these journal prompts designed to help you on the journey to live an embodied life. We’ll begin with journal prompts that explore your connection to your five senses, and end with journal prompts to help you reflect on what it means to you to live an embodied life.
Write about a childhood memory of having a pleasant emotional response to a sound, scent, or taste. Write down everything you can remember about the experience and how it felt. What emotions did you experience? What physical sensations were associated with those emotions?
Think about a texture that you find pleasant (this could be a food texture, clothing texture, etc.). Write about this texture in as much detail as possible. What does it feel like? What emotions do you associate with it? Why do you think you find this texture pleasant?
In an average day, how often do you consciously pay attention to and experience pleasant sensations associated with sound? Take a few deep breaths and then try to lightly focus on only the sounds you are hearing for 5 minutes. Describe the sounds you heard. How did you feel focusing on sound for a few minutes? What emotions arose for you? What physical sensations were associated with those emotions? What thoughts arose?

Intuition Meaning: Psychologists, Scientists, and Artists On The Meaning Of Intuition
Fittingly, intuition is one of those things that’s easier to sense than it is to define, but reflecting on what intuition means can be helpful to developing intuition and learning how to effectively use intuition in your daily life. To me, intuition means using the full knowledge of my body, not just what is consciously in my mind right now, or what I can consciously recall at this moment. Intuition is a “just knowing” feeling, but it also more than that. Intuition has its own language of sorts.

Harness The Power Of Your Intuition With Journal Prompts For Decision Making
These journal prompts are designed to be an intuition development exercise using active imagination to help you make a hard decision or work through a difficult situation.
Using active imagination to enhance your intuition
When you are facing a difficulty it’s a good time to consciously work on accessing your intuition. Developing your intuition means learning how to access all of the knowledge that your body has, rather than just the knowledge you can consciously remember right now with your mind. The more we can tap into everything we know and feel about ourselves and the world around us when making a decision, the happier we will be with the decision we make.

Journal Prompts for Connecting With Your Intuition
How do you know when you’re connecting with your intuition?
Intuition is knowledge that comes from our bodies. Intuitive knowing is different than the knowing that comes from intellectual, logical, step-by-step processing. Both types of knowing are important for our daily lives, but intuition is a type of knowledge commonly denigrated in modern culture and therefore more easily dismissed as untrustworthy or unimportant. Disregarding our intuition prevents us from accessing important information and a deeply meaningful aspect of what it means to be human. Moreover, intuitive ways of knowing exist within each of us even if we dismiss or disregard this type of knowing; by being aware of the role of intuition in our lives we can learn to harness this way of knowing to assist us in our daily lives and we can avoid being unconsciously driven by intuitive forces that we have no conscious means of conversing and interacting with.

Journal Prompts For Finding The Divine Feminine In You
What does it mean to be feminine? Everyone, regardless of their gender, contains aspects of personality and being that encompass what we traditionally think of as feminine. And, regardless of our gender, these aspects of ourselves can be undervalued due to our life experiences, including living in a society that undervalues activities and ways of being that have been historically and culturally associated with femininity. Yet, none of us can truly feel and be whole without acknowledging and accessing our personality in full, including aspects of our personality that may fall within this traditionally feminine sphere. I invite you to explore your conception of femininity and how you interact with the feminine in the world and within yourself.
If it feels helpful, use the journal questions below to start.

5 Types Of Journals To Keep To Get In Touch With Your Inner Guidance
Intuition is the ability to connect with the knowledge of your body.
As Nietzsche said, “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” But, you don’t have to take a philosopher’s word for it. Scientific research backs this up. Malcolm Gladwell discusses this concept in his book, Blink. He describes an experiment in which participants have two decks of blue cards and two decks of red cards. Each card gives the participant money or takes money away. Choosing a red card sometimes awards a high dollar amount, but usually results in a large loss. In contrast, the blue cards rarely lose money and usually award a small amount of money. Before the participants became consciously aware and able to describe the pattern, their bodies began to respond to the pattern

Journal Prompts For Finding The Sacred In The Everyday
What is the difference between the mundane and the sacred?
Attention. Attention elevates everyday mundanity to the realm of the sacred. Routine tasks are – almost by definition – tasks we don’t pay close attention to. Choosing to religiously focus our attention on some of these tasks throughout the day creates a liturgy of living that reconnects us with ourselves and the world.
Applying lotion is a routine daily task. Attention transforms this routine into the sacred: putting on lotion slowly, noticing the body part you’re applying lotion to, noticing how the lotion feels on your skin, and reminding yourself “this is my body.”
Quickly shampooing your hair and washing your face before you jump out of the shower is an everyday task.

How To Connect With Your Intuition Through Blackout Poetry
Directions for blackout poetry creation!
Disconnection from yourself can create a feeling of meaninglessness and discontent. But ironically, the pressure to connect with your inner voice can create noise that prevents you from hearing yourself. Blackout poetry puts the focus on creating a piece of art and takes away the noise. Creating blackout poetry is a fun exercise for developing your intuition.
You don’t need to be a writer, a poet, or an artist to create blackout poetry. You don’t even need to know anything about poetry. If you’ve heard of found poetry, erasure poetry, redacted poetry, or altered book poetry, blackout poetry is pretty much the same thing.