Journal Prompts For Finding The Sacred In The Everyday

Photo of woman in red dress running in rain in the woods.

Photo kichigin19/


How do you find sacred moments everyday?

Finding the sacred in the everyday

What is the difference between the mundane and the sacred? For me, it’s attention. Attention elevates everyday mundanity to the realm of the sacred. Routine tasks are – almost by definition – tasks we don’t pay close attention to. Choosing to religiously focus our attention on some of these tasks throughout the day creates a liturgy of living that reconnects us with ourselves and the world.

Applying lotion is a routine daily task. Attention transforms this routine into the sacred: putting on lotion slowly, noticing the body part you’re applying lotion to, noticing how the lotion feels on your skin, and reminding yourself “this is my body.” Quickly shampooing your hair and washing your face before you jump out of the shower is an everyday task. Showering slowly, noticing the feeling of the water, the smell of the shampoo, the feeling of being present in your body, is a ritual. Likewise, the simple act of drinking water transforms into ritual by the addition of mindful attention as you notice the feeling of the water on your tongue and express gratitude for the availability of water and how it sustains your body.

What routine everyday tasks can you transform into the sacred? I invite you to grab your journal and write about what sacredness means to you and how you can bring more of the sacred into your everyday routine. If it feels helpful, use the journal questions below to start.

Journal prompts for finding the sacred in everyday life

  • What makes something sacred?

  • What does it feel like in my body when I encounter the sacred? What physical sensations are associated with an encounter with something sacred?

  • What thoughts do I associate with an encounter with the sacred?

  • What benefits do rituals and connecting with the sacred bring to my life?

  • What does it mean for something to be a ritual? How is a ritual different than a habit?

  • Make a list of small tasks or activities you do everyday. Underline tasks that involve caring for your body and circle tasks that involve connecting with, and/or caring for, others.

    1. How can I incorporate the sacred in an everyday task that involves caring for my body?

    2. How can I incorporate the sacred into an everyday task that involves connecting with, or caring for, others?

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