What you have to say to yourself matters

Journaling | Intuition Development | Emotional Healing

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Night Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Night Journal Prompts

Ending your day with journaling can be a relaxing way to ease out the hustle and bustle of the day. Journaling at night can also help you connect with yourself, understand yourself better, and ease into sleep. In this article you’ll find night journal prompts along with four fun night journal exercises that incorporate poetry, music, meditation, and free association into your journaling practice.

Night journal prompts

Here are a few night journal prompts to end your day with! Choose a few night journal prompts from the list below and use them every day, or mix up your night journal practice and choose different prompts every night.

What’s one thing I can do to make myself feel cared for this evening?

How connected with myself did I feel throughout the day today? How grounded (in the present moment and connected to my body) did I feel today? How often did I check in with myself today to see how I was doing and what I needed?

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Journal Prompts For Mental Health
Journal Prompts, Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts, Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For Mental Health

These journal prompts are designed to help you work through difficult emotions when they arise and to help you explore the state of your mental health and consider what better mental health looks like for you. I’m not a therapist and this isn’t the same thing as therapy, these are simply questions that have helped me improve my own mental health. A lot of the journal prompts on this website are journal prompts for mental health, so feel free to explore and find journal prompts that are a good fit for you. Check out the suggestions for more mental health journal prompts at the end of this article, too.

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What Does A Water Dream Mean?

What Does A Water Dream Mean?

What does your dream about water mean?

Your dream symbols are unique to you, but sometimes it helps to have a little guidance about what a particular symbol in a dream might mean to get you on the right path for interpreting your dream. Use the information here about water dreams as a guide, but don’t let it override your intuitive sense of the water dream’s meaning for you.

Before you read about what your water dream might mean, try answering these questions to tap into your intuitive sense of the meaning of your water dream before you’re too influenced by the information in the rest of this article. It can help to write out the answers to these questions in a dream journal.

What did the dream water look like? Was it a river, pond, lake, ocean, sea, puddle, pool, drinking water, etc.? What color was the dream water? Was there a current? Was the dream water calm? Was the dream water frozen?

Where was the dream water located? Was the dream water in a natural location for water?

Does the dream water remind you of any particular water you’ve seen before (perhaps in a movie, television show, art, real life, or a previous dream)?

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Morning Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Morning Journal Prompts

Starting your morning with journaling can be a nice way to ease into your day. Journaling in the morning can also help you begin your day with intention and self-connection. In this post you’ll find a few daily morning journal prompts to choose from along with four fun morning journaling exercises that incorporate poetry, music, meditation, and free association into your journaling practice.

Daily morning journal prompts

Here are a few morning journal prompts to start your day with! Choose a few morning journal prompts from the list below and use them every day, or mix up your morning journaling and choose different prompts every day.

How am I feeling emotionally this morning? What do I need emotionally this morning?

How am I feeling physically this morning? What do I need physically this morning?

How are my energy levels this morning? How can I honor where my energy levels are at today?

How grounded am I feeling this morning? (i.e., how in the present moment and connected to my body am I feeling?)

What do I want to accomplish today?

How am I planning to build self care into my day today? In other words, how am I planning to take care of myself today? How am I planning to take care of myself emotionally today? How am I planning to take care of myself physically today?

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Journal Prompts For Positive Self Talk

Journal Prompts For Positive Self Talk

We can be so used to the way that we talk to ourselves that we don’t notice when our self talk is impacting us negatively. When I really started paying attention to the way I talked to myself and questioning my self talk, I was surprised to see how unkind I was being towards myself. Working on changing my self talk was one of the first steps in my healing journey (read a little more about that here, if you’d like). Working on my self talk was part of how I learned to create safety for myself, and this felt sense of safety unlocked the door to a bigger emotional healing journey.

Paying attention to the way I talked to myself and journaling and reflecting on my self talk was very helpful to me, and I hope it will be helpful to you as well. To that end, these journal prompts for positive self talk are designed to help you take an inventory of your self talk, evaluate your self talk and explore the roots of your self talk, and make a plan for creating positive self talk.

Journal prompts for positive self talk

As you work through these journal prompts, keep in mind that some of your self talk may be full phrases or sentences that you consciously say to yourself in your mind. However, some of your self talk might be fleeting thoughts that cross your mind without being fully put into words, and your self talk may even be a pattern of behavior or pattern of emotional response without accompanying words (I like to think of this as the internal equivalent of all the non-verbal cues that get exchanged when you’re communicating with someone else).

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Intuition Meaning
Intuition Development So.Lightly Living Intuition Development So.Lightly Living

Intuition Meaning

Fittingly, intuition is one of those things that’s easier to sense than it is to define, but reflecting on what intuition means can be helpful to developing intuition and learning how to effectively use intuition in your daily life. To me, intuition means using the full knowledge of my body, not just what is consciously in my mind right now, or what I can consciously recall at this moment. Intuition is a “just knowing” feeling, but it also more than that. Intuition has its own language of sorts.

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Mindfulness Prompts for Connecting With Your Body

Mindfulness Prompts for Connecting With Your Body

What does it feel like when your mind and body are connected?

The way in which our minds and bodies interact with each other has a profound impact on our daily lives and our physical and emotional health. Spending some time reflecting on our mind-body connection in a big picture sense can help us to identify what’s working for us and what’s not when it comes to cultivating mindfulness in our daily lives. I invite you to explore - and journal about - your mind-body connection. If it feels helpful, use the journal questions below to start.

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What I Wish I Knew Earlier About Healing Psychological Trauma
Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living Emotional Healing & Wellness So.Lightly Living

What I Wish I Knew Earlier About Healing Psychological Trauma

Your body intuitively knows how to provide you with deep emotional healing & your body wants to heal you.

I’ve read a lot of things about the process of emotional healing and healing psychological trauma that I agree with and that make sense to me. But I also know that these ideas resonated with me earlier in my life at a time when I was deeply confused about how to go about the process of healing psychological trauma and desperate to get it underway. None of the things I read actually told me anything I could connect with about how to emotionally heal or what it looked like. A lot of what I read felt more like a simultaneous truth and platitude to me.

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Journal Prompts For Finding The Sacred In The Everyday
Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living Journal Prompts So.Lightly Living

Journal Prompts For Finding The Sacred In The Everyday

What is the difference between the mundane and the sacred?

Attention. Attention elevates everyday mundanity to the realm of the sacred. Routine tasks are – almost by definition – tasks we don’t pay close attention to. Choosing to religiously focus our attention on some of these tasks throughout the day creates a liturgy of living that reconnects us with ourselves and the world.

Applying lotion is a routine daily task. Attention transforms this routine into the sacred: putting on lotion slowly, noticing the body part you’re applying lotion to, noticing how the lotion feels on your skin, and reminding yourself “this is my body.”

Quickly shampooing your hair and washing your face before you jump out of the shower is an everyday task.

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