Journaling | Intuition Development | Emotional Wellness
Tune In To Your Inner Voice
Access the healing powers of your inner guidance through journaling exercises, daily journal prompts, tools for building intuition, and resources for emotional wellness & emotional healing.

10 Topics For Journaling Your Way To Emotional Wellness
Whether you’re just starting to journal or you’re already an avid journal writer, sometimes a little topical inspiration can help. There are many ways to use journaling to help you stay emotionally well, and I’m eager to share a few topics for journaling that I personally use to help with emotional healing and emotional wellness. (P.S. If you’re just getting started with journaling, you might want to consider what your goals for journaling are before checking out the topics for journaling below. You can take the quiz, What Type of Journal Should I Keep? if you’d like some help exploring your goals for journaling.)
Here are ten of my favorite topics for journaling!
Journaling Topic #1 - Journaling about topics you want to work on
If there are specific topics you know you want to work on for your self-development, journaling about those topics can be a great tool on your emotional wellness journey. You can use journal prompts or guided journals on the topic that interests you, or you can just sit down and write about the aspect of yourself you want to work on and record whatever comes into your mind. Here are a few sets of topical guided journal prompts to help you get started with this kind of journaling.

Take The Quiz: What Type of Journal Should You Keep?
There are so many different types of journals out there, and there really is no wrong way to journal! The type of journal you should keep depends on why you want to journal, what your goals for journaling are, and how much time and energy you have for journaling. Take this quiz to find out what type of journal you should keep and then check out the information below for journaling ideas based on your quiz results.

A Real Life Dream Journal Example Entry Illustrating The 7 Key Elements Of A Dream Journal Entry
How to start a dream journal
Starting a dream journal might seem a little daunting, but once you get into the hang of it, dream journaling can be a really interesting and rewarding journaling practice. When you’re starting a dream journal it can help to see a dream journal example to get some ideas. I enjoy dream journaling because I like working with symbolism and it’s a great way to learn new things about myself. Dream journaling is also a wonderful way to get insight into the emotions and experiences that your mind, body, and soul are focused on working through. When you’ve been dream journaling for a while, you might be surprised to find out what’s going on with you at the deepest levels! Dream journaling also helps you tap into your intuition and learn the language of your subconscious mind which yields great benefits in waking life, too.

What Is Shadow Work?: How Your Shadow Self Can Free You To Live Authentically
Your shadow contains everything you don’t know about yourself, so how can you meet your shadow self?
What does “shadow self” mean?
Psychologist Carl Jung described the shadow as unconscious aspects of personality. These shadow parts of our personalities are not necessarily good or bad, they are simply parts of who we are that we aren’t aware of. The shadow self is composed of aspects of our personalities that it feels too scary to see. Our shadows are made up of parts of ourselves that we don’t think should be there for whatever reason. Our shadow selves could contain desires we don’t think we should have, emotions we don’t think we should have, and needs we don’t think we should have. The idea that these aspects of our personalities are undesirable might come from childhood, our culture, or significant experiences or relationships in our lives.

Tips For Describing Dreams In Your Dream Journal To Enhance Your Dream Interpretations
Dreams don’t always follow the logic of everyday life.
When describing a dream in your dream journal it’s a natural impulse to write about the dream the way you would tell a story to a friend, following a linear narrative and logical conventions. For some dreams, this “logical” style of writing can cause you to inadvertently leave out important information in your dream diary. Here are a few tips for describing dreams in your dream journal to maximize the information that you have available for dreamwork, dream interpretation, and dream analysis.

5 Types Of Journals To Keep To Get In Touch With Your Inner Guidance
Intuition is the ability to connect with the knowledge of your body.
As Nietzsche said, “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” But, you don’t have to take a philosopher’s word for it. Scientific research backs this up. Malcolm Gladwell discusses this concept in his book, Blink. He describes an experiment in which participants have two decks of blue cards and two decks of red cards. Each card gives the participant money or takes money away. Choosing a red card sometimes awards a high dollar amount, but usually results in a large loss. In contrast, the blue cards rarely lose money and usually award a small amount of money. Before the participants became consciously aware and able to describe the pattern, their bodies began to respond to the pattern

How To Keep A Dream Journal
Life can be difficult. Life can be busy. Feeling disconnected from yourself – from your intuition, your voice, your desires – is a common result. Dream journaling is probably not the first antidote that comes to mind. But, dream journaling has incredible power to help you reconnect with yourself.
Encoded in dream symbolism, our dreams have messages for us, from us.

How To Connect With Your Intuition Through Blackout Poetry
Directions for blackout poetry creation!
Disconnection from yourself can create a feeling of meaninglessness and discontent. But ironically, the pressure to connect with your inner voice can create noise that prevents you from hearing yourself. Blackout poetry puts the focus on creating a piece of art and takes away the noise. Creating blackout poetry is a fun exercise for developing your intuition.
You don’t need to be a writer, a poet, or an artist to create blackout poetry. You don’t even need to know anything about poetry. If you’ve heard of found poetry, erasure poetry, redacted poetry, or altered book poetry, blackout poetry is pretty much the same thing.