Mindfulness Prompts for Connecting With Your Body
Mindfulness prompts for your journal
Photo fantom_rd/stock.adobe.com
Mindful journaling
The way in which our minds and bodies interact with each other has a profound impact on our daily lives and our physical and emotional health. Spending some time reflecting on our mind-body connection in a big picture sense can help us to identify what’s working for us and what’s not when it comes to cultivating mindfulness in our daily lives. I invite you to explore - and journal about - your mind-body connection and what mindful living looks like to you with these mindfulness prompts.
Mindfulness prompts for connecting mind & body
What does it feel like when you are connected to your body?
What does it feel like when your mind and body are disconnected?
When do you feel most connected to your body?
When do you feel least connected to your body?
What activities or tasks are easier when your mind and body are connected?
What activities or tasks are easier when your mind and body are more disconnected?
What daily (or regular) habits do you have that increase your mind-body connection?
What daily (or regular) habits do you have that decrease your mind-body connection?
What impact does spending more time connected to your body have on your emotional health? What impact does it have on your physical health? What impact does it have on your relationships?
What impact does spending less time connected to your body have on your emotional health? What impact does it have on your physical health? What impact does it have on your relationships?
What activities lessen your mind-body connection?
What activities cause your mind-body connection to increase?
How has the connection between your mind and body changed over the course of your life? At what time in your life was your mind-body connection weakest? At what time in your life was your mind-body connection strongest? Why do you think that is?
Mindfulness prompts for mindful living
How do you define mindfulness?
What does it mean to live mindfully?
What does mindful living look like for you?
What emotions do you most associate with living mindfully?
Why is mindfulness important to you? Why is cultivating mindfulness something you value?
If you had to choos a symbol that represents mindfulness to you, what symbol would you choose? Write about why you chose this symbol to represent mindfulness.
What are the three biggest obstacles you face to living mindfully?
When you struggle to be mindful how do you respond to yourself? What do you say to yourself? What impact does your response have on you?
What are the three things about living mindfully that are easiest for you?
Who in your life sets a great example of mindful living (this can even be someone fictional or someone you don’t know personally)? What about this person makes them a great example for living mindfully?