Journal Prompts For July

Photo of woman's hands writing on paper sitting on wood table next to mug with flowers and background of plants.

Photo sarana/


Daily July journal prompts

Journal through the month of July with me with these daily journal prompts for July! These July journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In July we’ll journal about independence and interdependence, relaxation, and the role of planning and spontaneity in our lives. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and a personality test.

P.S. If you’re looking for journal prompts for a different month, find your monthly journal prompts here!

Journal prompts for July

Journal Prompts for July 1st

In general, do you consider yourself a more planned or spontaneous person? Write about why you consider yourself to be a more planned person or a more spontaneous person.

Journal Prompts for July 2nd

How do you like to spend your time when you’re relaxing? What makes these activities relaxing?

Photo Syda Productions/

Journal Prompts for July 3rd

In what areas or aspects of your life are you most independent? In what areas or aspects of your life do you most rely on others?

Journal Prompts for July 4th

Start with the word “star” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?

Journal Prompts for July 5th

Do you feel like you spend enough of your time doing things that are relaxing to you? Why or why not?

Journal Prompts for July 6th

How often do you ask for help with something? What are you most likely to ask for help with? Who are you most likely to ask for help from?

Journal Prompts for July 7th

What does it feel like physically when your body is relaxed? What emotions do you associate with a feeling of relaxation? In an average week, how often does your body feel physically relaxed?

Journal Prompts for July 8th

What aspects of your life are you more likely to plan out rather than allow to happen spontaneously? What aspects of your life are you more likely to allow to happen spontaneously rather than plan out? How do you decide what aspects of your life should happen spontaneously and what aspects of your life should be more planned?

Photo young woman sitting on grass writing in journal.

Photo TommyStockProject/

Journal Prompts for July 9th

What does it mean to you to be interdependent? What does healthy interdependence look like to you? Who in your life do you have the most healthy interdependent relationship with?

Journal Prompts for July 10th

Are there aspects of your life where you feel like you’re too independent? Are there aspects of your life where you feel like you rely on others too much? Choose an area of either too much independence or too much reliance that you identified and write about why you think things are “off balance” in this area? Why is it hard to be more independent or more reliant in this area?

Journal Prompts for July 11th

When you were growing up, how did the adults in your life respond when you asked for help? When you were growing up, did you feel like it was safe to ask for help when you needed it? Write about a time you asked for help growing up and you received the help you needed. Write about a time you needed help growing up and you didn’t receive the help you needed.

Journal Prompts for July 12th

Take the Cerebral Personality Test. Do you think the personality test that you took accurately reflects something about your personality? What about the results of the personality test didn’t surprise you? What surprised you? If the personality test resulted in any new insights for you about who you are, what can you do with this information in your daily life? What general reflections do you have about this personality test?

Journal Prompts for July 13th

Write about a time you put a lot of effort into planning something and you were happy with how it turned out. What went according to your plans? What didn’t go according to your plans? Why were you happy with how things turned out?

Closeup photo young woman in red tank top laying on grass writing in journal.

Photo Syda Productions/

Journal Prompts for July 14th

What positive impacts does spending time relaxing have on your life? If you find it difficult to spend sufficient time relaxing, what makes it difficult to spend time relaxing?

Journal Prompts for July 15th

Growing up, who were the people you relied on the most for help? Were these people reliable most of the time? Were there certain kinds of help these people were better or worse at reliably providing? Did you usually receive the help you needed from these people? How do these early experiences impact your approach to relying on others now?

Journal Prompts for July 16th

Write about a time you put a lot of effort into planning something and you weren’t happy with how it turned out. What went according to your plans? What didn’t go according to your plans? Why were you unhappy with how things turned out?

Closeup photo hands and feet of woman in green skirt writing in spiral bound journal.

Photo Ivan Kruk/

Journal Prompts for July 17th

What are you the most uncomfortable asking for help with? Why do you think that is?

Journal Prompts for July 18th

What messages do you receive about relaxation or spending time relaxing from the culture and sub-cultures you live in? This could be messages that value or de-value relaxation, messages about ways you should or shouldn’t spend your time, and/or messages about what it means to relax. How do these messages impact you?

Journal Prompts for July 19th

Write about a time you let something happen or develop spontaneously and you were happy with the result. Why were you happy with how things turned out?

Journal Prompts for July 20th

What is it easiest for you to ask for help with? Why do you think that is?

Photo woman in headphones laying on blanket outside writing in journal.

Photo Cultura Creative/

Journal Prompts for July 21st

What messages did you receive growing up about time spent relaxing (and/or the activities you like doing to relax)? Growing up, who in your life set a good example for how to relax? Growing up, who in your life set a poor example for how to relax? How have these messages and role models impacted you in your life?

Journal Prompts for July 22nd

Read Method by Tess Taylor (or choose another poem to read). What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?

Journal Prompts for July 23rd

Write about a time you let something happen or develop spontaneously and you were unhappy with the result. Why were you unhappy with how things turned out?

Journal Prompts for July 24th

In an average week, how frequently do you help others? In an average week, how frequently do you receive help from others? Does the help you give and the help you receive feel healthy and sustainable to you?

Journal Prompts for July 25th

What feels good about relying on others? What doesn’t feel good about relying on others? What emotions do you associate with relying on others? What do those emotions physically feel like in your body when you experience them?

Photo back of woman in white hat sitting in front of windy with airy curtain holding journal in her hands.

Photo Generative AI/

Journal Prompts for July 26th

What feels good about being independent? What doesn’t feel good about independent? What emotions do you associate with being independent? What do those emotions physically feel like in your body when you experience them?

Journal Prompts for July 27th

Write out a description of any dream you remember having. Why do you think you dreamt this? If you want more tips on how to write about your dream to help you understand it, check out the posts on How to Keep a Dream Journal and A Dream Journal Example Entry.

Journal Prompts for July 28th

Do you think you have a good balance between planning and spontaneity in your life? Why or why not? Are you happy with which aspects of your life you approach with spontaneity and which aspects you approach with more planning?

Journal Prompts for July 29th

If you knew that someone would happily provide you with the requested help, what would you most like to ask for help with? Write about why this is what you would ask for help with. How would receiving this help impact your life? If you have asked for help in this area and not received it, write about what that experience felt like. If you have not asked for help in this area, write about why you haven’t asked for help with this.

Journal Prompts for July 30th

If you had to come up with one new idea for how to spend your time relaxing, what would your new idea for relaxing be? Why do you think this is what came to mind?

Journal Prompts for July 31st

Are you happy with the balance between independence and interdependence in your life? Why or why not?

Go To Journal Prompts For August

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