Journal Prompts For September
Daily September journal prompts
Journal through the month of September with me with these daily journal prompts for September! These September journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In September we’ll journal about memories, our first experiences of love, and the eras of our lives. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and a personality test.
P.S. If you’re looking for journal prompts for a different month, find your monthly journal prompts here!
Journal prompts for September
Journal Prompts for September 1st
What time period of your life do you feel most nostalgic for? What emotions accompany the nostalgia? What physical sensations do you experience in your body when these emotions arise? Why do you think you are being drawn to this time period of your life right now?
Journal Prompts for September 2nd
What is your first memory of feeling loved? Write about everything you can remember about this experience including how it felt emotionally to feel loved and what physical sensations were associated with those emotions.
Journal Prompts for September 3rd
In your journal, create a simple timeline of your life describing the “eras” of your life. How did you differentiate between the eras (schools, jobs, where you lived, friends you were close to, relationships, etc.)?
Journal Prompts for September 4th
What were your favorite books and movies growing up? Why were these favorites? If you remember the first time you read a favorite book or watched a favorite movie, write about that experience. Are there any similarities between these books and movies and books and movies you enjoy today?
Journal Prompts for September 5th
Write about your memories associated with starting a new school year. What emotions do you associate with starting a new school year? Do these emotions show up now around the same time of year? If so, how do those emotions impact you today?
Journal Prompts for September 6th
Looking back at your journal entry from September 3rd, and choose one of the eras of your life to write about today. What were the defining moments and defining characteristics of this era? What emotions do you most associate with this era of your life? Write about the time period in which you were transitioning out of this era. What led to the transition? What did this transition feel like? What emotions do you associate with transitioning out of this era of your life?
Journal Prompts for September 7th
Start with the word “red” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?
Journal Prompts for September 8th
Write about your earliest experiences with the loss of a loved one (this could be because your loved one passed or away, or because the relationship ended or significantly changed for some reason). Write about what you remember from the experience. What emotions did you experience? What physical sensations did you experience in your body with these emotions? What support did you receive from others? Did you feel like you had enough support to navigate this experience? Has this experience impacted how you experience love now? If so, how?
Journal Prompts for September 9th
Write about your first crush or your first love and any memories you have associated with this person and this time period. How do you feel recounting these memories today?
Journal Prompts for September 10th
Write about your earliest memory in detail. How old were you? What do you remember about what you saw, heard, and felt? What kind of emotions does recalling this memory evoke now? How does this memory fit into your overall life story?
Journal Prompts for September 11th
Write out a description of any dream you remember having. Why do you think you dreamt this? If you want more tips on how to write about your dream to help you understand it, check out the posts on How to Keep a Dream Journal and A Dream Journal Example Entry.
Journal Prompts for September 12th
Write about one of your early experiences of feeling love for someone else. Write about what you remember from this experience. What emotions did you experience? What did these emotions physically feel like? How did you know that you felt love for this person? Has the way you experience loving someone else changed from this early experience? If so, how? If so, why do you think your experience of loving others has changed over time?
Journal Prompts for September 13th
Looking back at your journal entry from September 3rd, choose another era of your life to write about today. What were the defining moments and defining characteristics of this era? What emotions do you most associate with this era of your life? Write about the time period in which you were transitioning out of this era. What led to the transition? What did this transition feel like? What emotions do you associate with transitioning out of this era of your life?
Journal Prompts for September 14th
What memory from your early life evokes the strongest emotional response for you today? Write about this memory. What emotions did you experience at the time? What emotions does recalling this memory evoke for you today? Why do you think this memory still brings up strong emotions for you today?
Journal Prompts for September 15th
What year was the best year of your life so far? Write about why this year was so great and any memories you have associated with this particular year that made it a great year.
Journal Prompts for September 16th
How much importance do you place on recalling memories from earlier in your life? How does your approach to earlier memories help you in your life today? How does your approach to earlier memories hinder you in your life today? Ideally, what role would you like earlier life memories to play in your life today?
Journal Prompts for September 17th
Read The Beautiful Changes by Richard Wilbur (or choose another poem to read). What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?
Journal Prompts for September 18th
Are there certain smells, experiences, or people who seem to magically transport you back to an earlier time in your life? Write in detail about one smell, experience, or person that tends to bring you back to an earlier time. Write about the time period in your life this smell, experience, or person brings you back to. Write about the emotions associated with that time period. Write about the emotions recalling these memories brings up now.
Journal Prompts for September 19th
Write about a time early in your life when you felt loved by yourself. Include whatever details you remember about this experience. What led up to this experience? How did you feel beforehand? How did you feel afterwards? Why did this experience make you experience self love so intensely? How did this experience impact you in the moment? Has this experience continued to impact you? If so, how?
Journal Prompts for September 20th
Looking back at your journal entry from September 3rd, choose another era of your life to write about today. What were the defining moments and defining characteristics of this era? What emotions do you most associate with this era of your life? Write about the time period in which you were transitioning out of this era. What led to the transition? What did this transition feel like? What emotions do you associate with transitioning out of this era of your life?
Journal Prompts for September 21st
What memories in your life do you most cherish? Write about some of these memories. What emotions do these memories bring up now? Why do you cherish these memories in particular?
Journal Prompts for September 22nd
Take the “How Do Others See You” personality test. Do you think the personality test that you took accurately reflects something about your personality? What about the results of the personality test didn’t surprise you? What surprised you? If the personality test resulted in any new insights for you about who you are, what can you do with this information in your daily life? What general reflections do you have about this personality test?
Journal Prompts for September 23rd
Looking at the timeline you created on September 3rd, what era of your life was the easiest to transition into? What era of your life was the easiest to transition out of? Why do you think these transitions were easier than others?
Journal Prompts for September 24th
What year was the hardest year of your life? Write about your memories of what happened, how it felt, and how you got through it.
Journal Prompts for September 25th
Reflecting on your early life, what experiences and memories most impact how you define what it means to love and be loved? Write about what you remember from these experiences, and how these experiences continue to impact how you define and experience love today.
Journal Prompts for September 26th
Looking at the timeline you created on September 3rd, what era of your life was the hardest to transition into? What era of your life was the hardest to transition out of? Why do you think these transitions were particularly difficult?
Journal Prompts for September 27th
Looking back at your journal entry from September 3rd, choose another era of your life to write about today. What were the defining moments and defining characteristics of this era? What emotions do you most associate with this era of your life? Write about the time period in which you were transitioning out of this era. What led to the transition? What did this transition feel like? What emotions do you associate with transitioning out of this era of your life?
Journal Prompts for September 28th
Write about a few of your all-time favorite memories associated with holidays. Are there any common themes running through these memories? What do the memories you wrote about tell you about what makes holidays meaningful for you?
Journal Prompts for September 29th
In writing about the different eras of your life and transitioning from one era to the next what did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about your experiences with transitions in your life? Did you learn anything that you want to keep in mind for future periods of transition in your life?
Journal Prompts for September 30th
Reflect on what you wrote about love this month. What does it mean to be loved? What does it feel like to feel loved? What does it mean to love? What does it feel like to love? What impact does love have in your life?
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