Find Comfort With These Journal Prompts For Sadness
Journal prompts for when you’re feeling sad
Journaling for sad moments
Sadness visits us all from time to time, and sometimes its hard to know how to help yourself when you’re feeling sad. These journal prompts for sadness are here to help you find comfort in yourself when you’re sad.
Journal prompts for sadness
What does the sadness physically feel like in your body? Where in your body do you feel the physical sensation associated with sadness? What do the physical sensations feel like? If you had to describe the physical sensations as a color and shape, what color and shape is the physical sensation? Where in your body are the physical sensations located? How big or small does your sadness feel?
If you take deep breathes and move around a bit, do the physical sensations associated with sadness change? If so, how?
Is there a location in your body that feels nice (or neutral) right now? If so, spend a few moments breathing in and out deeply and focusing on this location in your body. Write about what this experience was like.
What thoughts are arising in your mind with this feeling of sadness? What are you telling yourself about this sadness? What memories or past experiences are coming to mind? Are you telling yourself any stories about who you are and how life works? If so, what stories are you telling yourself?
If someone showed up and had the perfect words to say to you right now about the sadness you’re feeling, what would they say?
Would it help to say the perfect words you identified above to yourself right now?
What’s one thing you can do right now that will help you feel better or ride out this sadness until it passes?
Write about why you’re feeling sad. If you don’t know why you’re feeling sad, that’s okay, just start writing about what you were doing when you noticed you started to feel sad in detail and keep writing for a few pages to see if any ideas come to mind.
Why do you think sadness is an emotion we experience sometimes? Are there ways that sadness can be helpful? If you never experienced sadness, what would be missing from your life?
Is there a really small thing around you that it feels nice (or neutral) to notice right now? If so, spend a minute simply noticing that thing and then write about the experience of noticing this nice or neutral thing.
Ask your body, “What do you need right now?” and write out the thoughts that come to mind.
Write about a time you were feeling sad and someone helped you by comforting you. Write down everything you can remember about this experience and how it felt.
What brings you comfort when you’re sad?
If you had to create a “sadness first aid kit” for yourself, what would you put in it?
Is there something in your “sadness first aid kit” that you could take out right now to help comfort yourself until the sadness passes?
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