Journal Prompts For March
March daily writing prompts
Journal through the month of March with me with these daily journal prompts for March! These March journal prompts explore a variety of topics. In March we’ll journal about what you value in life, self-love and acceptance, self-doubt, and future dreams. We’ll also do a few fun journaling exercises involving poetry, free association, our dreams, and a personality test.
P.S. If you’re looking for journal prompts for a different month, find your monthly journal prompts here!
Journal prompts for March
Journal Prompts for March 1st
Think about what’s important to you in life. Write a list of your top five values. For each value you listed, write about a time that holding this value informed a decision or helped you approach some aspect of life.
Journal Prompts for March 2nd
How often do you feel engaged in the present moment in the course of your day as opposed to thinking about the past or future? When you are thinking about the future, why are you focusing on the future? What emotions, experiences, or day-to-day realities tend to get you focusing on the future? When you are thinking about the past, why are you focusing on the past? What emotions, experiences, or day-to-day realities tend to get you focusing on the past? Are you happy with the amount of time you spend focused on the past, present, and future? If not, what could help you strike a balance that you’re happier with?
Journal Prompts for March 3rd
On a scale of 1-10, how hard on yourself do you think you are? In what ways are you hard on yourself? In what ways are you compassionate with yourself? Are there certain areas of life where it’s more difficult to be compassionate with yourself? If so, why do you think that is?
Journal Prompts for March 4th
Start with the word “rainbow” and write down the first word that comes to mind next. Now write down the first word that comes to mind after that word. Try to feel rather than think the next word. Continue until you’re at the bottom of the page. Look back at the page; which word association was the most surprising to you? Why do you think you made that connection?
Journal Prompts for March 5th
If you had to write a memoir using only five memories from your life, which five memories would you choose? Write a description of each of these memories out in your journal. Why are these five memories important for telling your life story?
Journal Prompts for March 6th
If you from 10 years ago was looking at your life now, what would past you be the most surprised to learn about your life? Why was this an unexpected development in your life? Does your life look like what past you would have anticipated, or does your life look very different than what past you would have expected?
Journal Prompts for March 7th
Think of a time you doubted yourself. Write down everything you can remember about the experience and what it felt like. What led you to doubt yourself? What did it feel like to doubt yourself? How did the situation resolve? What types of situations are most likely to lead to self-doubt for you? What would it help to hear when you’re feeling self-doubt?
Journal Prompts for March 8th
When do you feel the most beautiful? What about the experience makes you feel beautiful? What does this tell you about what you think about beauty, how you define beauty, and what is beautiful?
Journal Prompts for March 9th
What memories from this winter are you most grateful for? Write about the memories in detail, including how they felt. What do these memories tell you about what you value in life?
Journal Prompts for March 10th
Are you happy with how your time is allocated in your life? Why or why not? Do you feel more like your time belongs to you, or more like you have little control over how your time is spent? What makes you feel that way?
Journal Prompts for March 11th
What friendship in your life has had the most profound impact on you? Why was this friendship so impactful? Whether or not this friend is still in your life, what have you learned from this friendship?
Journal Prompts for March 12th
Write out a description of any dream you remember having. Why do you think you dreamt this? If you want more tips on how to write about your dream to help you understand it, check out the posts on How to Keep a Dream Journal and A Dream Journal Example Entry.
Journal Prompts for March 13th
What’s the most difficult thing you’ve had to go through in life? Write about the experience, including what you remember and how it felt. What made this such a difficult thing to go through? What did you learn about yourself from this experience? What did you learn about life from this experience? Does this experience still impact you emotionally today? If so, how?
Journal Prompts for March 14th
What does it mean to be patient or to practice patience? Do you think patience is a desirable quality? What types of situations is patience desirable in? What types of situations is patience not desirable in? Do you consider yourself a patient person? What does it physically feel like in your body when you are being patient? Are you happy with the degree of patience you have in daily life? If not, how can you cultivate the quality of patience in your life?
Journal Prompts for March 15th
What childhood experience has the biggest impact on your life now? Write about the childhood experience. How does this experience continue to impact your life now?
Journal Prompts for March 16th
What is wisdom to you? Who personifies wisdom to you (this can be someone you know personally, someone you know of, or even a fictional character)? Why does this person represent wisdom to you? In what areas of your life do you think you’re wise?
Journal Prompts for March 17th
How does creativity play a role in your life? Where in your life do you have an opportunity to be creative and express your creative-self? Is a creative outlet important to you in life? Do you feel you have a sufficient creative outlet in life? If not, how can you make more room for creativity in your life?
Journal Prompts for March 18th
If your life were a TV show what would be the theme song? What aspects of this song really speak to your life? Why did you choose this song?
Journal Prompts for March 19th
Take the locus of control personality test. Do you think the personality test that you took accurately reflects something about your personality? What about the results of the personality test didn’t surprise you? What surprised you? If the personality test resulted in any new insights for you about who you are, what can you do with this information in your daily life?
Journal Prompts for March 20th
When was the last time you felt frustrated? Why were you feeling frustrated? What did the experience of feeling frustrated physically feel like in your body? What physical sensations were associated with the emotion? How did you respond to the frustration? How did you talk to yourself? How did you respond to yourself? Are you happy with your response, or would you have preferred to respond differently? If you would prefer to respond differently, how would you like to respond when you’re frustrated? Does your actual reponse and/or preferred response remind you of how you have seen anyone else in your life (now or in the past) respond to your frustration or their own frustration?
Journal Prompts for March 21st
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your life so far. How did you learn this? What was the experience of learning this like? How did what you learned impact your life?
Journal Prompts for March 22nd
What’s one aspect of your life or personality that you find difficult to accept? What makes self-acceptance in this area difficult? What do you think would help you find more self-acceptance in this area?
Journal Prompts for March 23rd
What dreams do you have for your life that you haven’t fulfilled yet? Why are these dreams important to you? Choose the dream that’s most important to you and write about what it would take to fulfill that dream.
Journal Prompts for March 24th
Write about your day today (or yesterday if you’re journaling in the morning) from a third person perspective like you’re the omniscient narrator in a book. Re-read what you wrote. Does reading this give you any new perspectives or thoughts about your day and how you approach life?
Journal Prompts for March 25th
What has been the most meaningful moment of your life so far? Write about your memory of the experience. What emotions and physical sensations accompany experiencing something meaningful? What does the meaningful moment you chose tell you about what you value in life?
Journal Prompts for March 26th
Read Today by Billy Collins (or choose another poem to read). What emotions do you connect to this poem? What memories do you connect to this poem? Why do you think you made those connections?
Journal Prompts for March 27th
How do you define achievement? What is it worthwhile to you to achieve in life? How does your culture and the sub-cultures you exist in define achievement? How does your personal definition of achievement look similar to, and different from, your culture’s definition of achievement? If there are differences in how you personally define achievement and how your culture defines achievement, does this cause difficulties for you? If so, how do you approach those difficulties internally and externally in your life?
Journal Prompts for March 28th
When you’re feeling angry, what helps you safely express your anger to allow the feeling to rise and pass? Is anger easy or difficult for you to sit with? Why do you think that is?
Journal Prompts for March 29th
What four things are you most looking forward to this spring? Write about why you’re excited about these four things. What does this tell you about what brings excitement to your life?
Journal Prompts for March 30th
What does it mean to be authentic? Is being authentic important to you? Why or why not? When is it easiest for you to be authentic? Why do you think that is? When is it difficult for you to be authentic? Why do you think that is?
Journal Prompts for March 31st
Write about a time you felt loved by yourself. Include any details you remember from this experience including what happened beforehand and afterwards. Why did this experience make you feel so loved by yourself? What does this tell you about self-love for you?
Go to Journal Prompts for April
Photos for this article were created with Adobe Firefly.

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