Self Talk For Anxiety To Get You Through Anxious Moments
Examples of positive self talk for anxiety for when you’re feeling anxious
Positive self talk for anxiety
I find that when I want to improve my self talk in a particular area it helps to record myself talking to myself the way I want to. I use the ThinkUp app for this, but you could also easily do this with any recording device on your phone. (The ThinkUp app is a nice way to add pictures and sound and organize your recordings into various lists if that’s something you’re interested in.) Then, if I’m feeling anxious, I can just play the recordings I made for myself on the topic of anxiety. With practice, this eventually helps positive self talk come more naturally in the moments its needed. If this feels totally hokey and annoying to you, that’s okay! I’ll be honest, when I first started doing this I was crawl-out-of-my-skin-uncomfortable, but that eventually passed.
The best positive self talk for your anxiety will be unique to you, but it definitely helps to have some examples of positive self talk for anxiety to work with, so here are a few examples of positive self talk for anxiety to get you started!
Examples of positive self talk for anxiety
I notice that I’m feeling anxious. It’s okay to feel anxious. What does anxious feel like in my body? Where do I notice those sensations? What do those sensations feel like? If I let the anxiety in, are there other emotions that show up next?
I’m safe.
I’m not in trouble.
I will get through this.
It’s okay to feel better.
I’ve got this.
I’m doing a good job.
It’s okay to feel fear. Feeling fear is a natural part of being human. I let fear visit me, and I let fear go.
I’m allowed to struggle.
I’m taking deep breathes and letting calmness in.
This feeling is temporary and it won’t last forever.
It’s okay to feel my feelings in my body. I notice the physical sensations associated with feelings in my body and I let them come and go.
I can step back and notice my anxious thoughts without being consumed by them. I am more than my thoughts.
I don’t have to solve this problem right now. I can focus on breathing and letting the physical sensations associated with anxiety pass.
It’s safe to ask for help. I ask for help when I need it.
It’s okay to make mistakes.
I’m doing a good job.
Not knowing what’s going to happen is hard and I am capable and can flow with what life brings me.
What do I need right now?
Does my body need something right now? Do I need water, food, or rest? What can I do to provide comfort to my body?
I am feeling anxious, so I know my nervous system is having a hard time right now. What can I do to help my nervous system feel calmer?
I can stay here, right in this moment, and breathe.
Feeling anxious is hard and I know I will get through this.
My life is much bigger than this moment.
Feeling anxious sucks, so hugs to you, and I hope this list of positive self talk for anxiety helps :)
Photos for this article were created with Adobe Firefly.

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