Happy Birthday Journal Prompts To Celebrate You
Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy these journal prompts for your birthday.
Journal prompts for your birthday
Happy birthday! These birthday journal prompts have been put together to help you celebrate yourself. As you reflect on the last year and look forward to being another year older and wiser, take a few moments to recognize how far you’ve come and spend some time meditating on what your heart wants in the coming year.
Birthday journal prompts
My three birthday wishes are: ____.
One thing that surprised me about being [the age you were this year] was ____.
When I think about being [age you are turning], this is what comes to mind ____.
In the last year, I learned that ____.
Something I’m proud to have accomplished this year is ____.
One thing I want to accomplish in the next year is ____.
I celebrated (or I plan to celebrate) my birthday by ____.
One thing I want to remember about this birthday is ____.
The most important relationship in my life this year was ____, because ____.
A movie I watched this year that I really enjoyed was ____.
A book I read this year that I really enjoyed was ____.
The song I listened to the most this year was ____.
One thing I want to leave behind in the next year of my life is ____.
The best birthday present I ever received was ____, because ____.
One thing that changed in my life this year is ____.
My favorite birthday memory is ____.
One thing I really like about myself is ____.
One compliment I received this year that was meaningful to me was ____.
On my next birthday, I think I will ____.
If I could send a message back in time to myself on my last birthday, I would say____.
One thing I want to do for myself to celebrate my birthday is ____.
In the next year of my life, I want to learn ____.
In the next year of my life, one thing I want to experience is ____.
How comfortable am I celebrating myself?
How do I like to celebrate myself?
What is something that other people do that makes me feel cherished and celebrated on important days? Have I shared this with my loved ones?
How am I feeling about my birthday this year? Write about the emotions and thoughts that arise when you reflect on this year’s birthday.
5 years ago, what did you expect that your life would look like on this birthday? In what ways were your expectations accurate? In what ways were your expectations inaccurate? What feelings does writing about this bring up?
Write a note to yourself to open on your next birthday.
What was the best thing about the last year?
Photos for this article were created with Adobe Firefly.